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Remote Sensing of Environment
"Using multi-temporal Landsat imagery and linear mixed models for assessing water quality parameters in Río Tercero reservoir (Argentina)" (2015) Bonansea, M.; Rodriguez, M.C.; Pinotti, L.; Ferrero, S. Remote Sensing of Environment. 158:28-41
"A SWIR based algorithm to retrieve total suspended matter in extremely turbid waters" (2015) Knaeps, E.;Ruddick, K.G.;Doxaran, D. (...)Sterckx, S. Remote Sensing of Environment. 168:66-79
"A single algorithm to retrieve turbidity from remotely-sensed data in all coastal and estuarine waters" (2015) Dogliotti, A.I.;Ruddick, K.G.;Nechad, B. (...)Knaeps, E. Remote Sensing of Environment. 156:157-168