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Physical Review B
"Spin-relaxation time in the impurity band of wurtzite semiconductors" (2017) Tamborenea, P.I.; Wellens, T.; Weinmann, D.; Jalabert, R.A. Physical Review B. 96(12)
"Revisiting the anisotropy of metamaterials for water waves" (2017) Maurel, A.;Marigo, J.-J.;Cobelli, P. (...)Pagneux, V. Physical Review B. 96(13)
"Metastability and hysteretic vortex pinning near the order-disorder transition in NbSe2: Interplay between plastic and elastic energy barriers" (2017) Marziali Bermúdez, M.;Louden, E.R.;Eskildsen, M.R. (...)Pasquini, G. Physical Review B. 95(10)
"Influence of nonmagnetic impurity scattering on spin dynamics in diluted magnetic semiconductors" (2017) Cygorek, M.; Ungar, F.; Tamborenea, P.I.; Axt, V.M. Physical Review B. 95(4)
"Anderson-Mott transition in a disordered Hubbard chain with correlated hopping" (2017) Battista, F.; Camjayi, A.; Arrachea, L. Physical Review B. 96(4)