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Physical Review Letters
"Entanglement-Enhanced Phase Estimation without Prior Phase Information" (2017) Colangelo, G.;Martin Ciurana, F.;Puentes, G. (...)Sewell, R.J. Physical Review Letters. 118(23)
"Fractional Spin and Josephson Effect in Time-Reversal-Invariant Topological Superconductors" (2017) Camjayi, A.; Arrachea, L.; Aligia, A.; Von Oppen, F. Physical Review Letters. 119(4)
"Nonsignaling Deterministic Models for Nonlocal Correlations have to be Uncomputable" (2017) Bendersky, A.;Senno, G.;De La Torre, G. (...)Acín, A. Physical Review Letters. 118(13)
"Scalable Creation of Long-Lived Multipartite Entanglement" (2017) Kaufmann, H.;Ruster, T.;Schmiegelow, C.T. (...)Poschinger, U.G. Physical Review Letters. 119(15)
"Twisted-Light-Ion Interaction: The Role of Longitudinal Fields" (2017) Quinteiro, G.F.; Schmidt-Kaler, F.; Schmiegelow, C.T. Physical Review Letters. 119(25)