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Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
"Different dimensions of the prediction error as a decisive factor for the triggering of the reconsolidation process" (2016) Agustina López, M.;Jimena Santos, M.;Cortasa, S. (...)Pedreira, M.E. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 136:210-219
"Neural correlates of expression-independent memories in the crab Neohelice" (2016) Maza, F.J.; Locatelli, F.F.; Delorenzi, A. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 131:61-75
"Reconsolidation-induced memory persistence: Participation of late phase hippocampal ERK activation" (2016) Krawczyk, M.C.;Navarro, N.;Blake, M.G. (...)Boccia, M.M. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 133:79-88
"The dynamic nature of the reconsolidation process and its boundary conditions: Evidence based on human tests" (2016) Fernández, R.S.; Bavassi, L.; Forcato, C.; Pedreira, M.E. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 130:202-212