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Iemmi, Claudio César
"New opportunities in interferometric lithography using extreme ultraviolet tabletop lasers" (2009) Wachulak, P.W.;Urbanski, L.;Capeluto, M.G. (...)Marconi, M.C. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS. 8(2)
"Influence of the incident angle in the performance of Liquid Crystal on Silicon displays" (2009) Lizana, A.;Martin, N.;Estapé, M. (...)Yzuel, M.J. Optics Express. 17(10):8491-8505
"Anamorphic zoom system based on liquid crystal displays" (2009) Iemmi, C.; Campos, J. Journal of the European Optical Society. 4