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Hasson, Esteban Ruben
"Oviposition site preference for natural breeding sites in drosophila melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae) populations from Argentina" (2014) Betti, M.I.L.; Soto, E.M.; Hasson, E. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 107(5):944-953
"Host alkaloids differentially affect developmental stability and wing vein canalization in cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii" (2014) Padró, J.;Carreira, V.;Corio, C. (...)Soto, I.M. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 27(12):2781-2797
"Differences in tolerance to host cactus alkaloids in Drosophila koepferae and D. buzzatii" (2014) Soto, I.M.;Carreira, V.P.;Corio, C. (...)Hasson, E. PLoS ONE. 9(2)