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Gratton, Fausto Tulio Livio
"Waves in the plasma depletion layer derived from three magnetosheath passes made by wind" (2003) Farrugia, C.J.;Gnavi, G.;Gratton, F.T. (...)Lin, R.P. Advances in Space Research. 31(4):1099-1104
"Theoretical results on the latitude dependence of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the dayside magnetopause for northward interplanetary magnetic fields" (2003) Contin, J.E.; Gratton, F.T.; Farrugia, C.J. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 108(A6)
"On the dependence of dayside Kelvin-Helmholtz activity on IMF orientation" (2003) Farrugia, C.J.;Gratton, F.T.;Torbert, R.B. (...)Stauning, P. Advances in Space Research. 31(4):1105-1110
"Magnetohydrodynamic flows of conducting liquids in divergent-convergent channels" (2003) Gnavi, G.; Gratton, F.T. International Journal of Heat and Technology. 21(1):99-107
"A parametric study of the influence of ion and electron properties on the excitation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in coronal mass ejections" (2003) Dasso, S.; Gratton, F.T.; Farrugia, C.J. Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics. 108(A4)
"A parametric study of the influence of ion and electron properties on the excitation of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in coronal mass ejections" (2003) Dasso, S.; Gratton, F.T.; Farrugia, C.J. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 108(A4)