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Folguera, Andrés
"Tectonic evolution of the North Patagonian Andes from field and gravity data (39-40°S)" (2014) Ramos, M.E.;Folguera, A.;Fennell, L. (...)Ramos, V.A. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 51:59-75
"Integrated seismic and gravimetric model of Jocolí Basin, Argentina" (2014) Martinez, P.; Gimenez, M.; Folguera, A.; Lince Klinger, F. Interpretation. 2(2):T57-T68
"GOCE derived vertical gravity gradient delineates great earthquake rupture zones along the Chilean margin" (2014) Álvarez, O.;Nacif, S.;Gimenez, M. (...)Braitenberg, C. Tectonophysics. 622:198-215