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Flores, Silvia Karina
"Micro and nanoparticles of native and modified cassava starches as carriers of the antimicrobial potassium sorbate" (2016) Alzate, P.; Zalduendo, M.M.; Gerschenson, L.; Flores, S.K. Starch/Staerke. 68(11-12):1038-1047
"Effect of formulation on rice noodle quality: Selection of functional ingredients and optimization by mixture design" (2016) Loubes, M.A.; Flores, S.K.; Tolaba, M.P. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 69:280-286
"Byproduct from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex poiret) as a substrate and vegetable matrix to contain Lactobacillus casei" (2016) Genevois, C.; Flores, S.; de Escalada Pla, M. Journal of Functional Foods. 23:210-219
"Application of edible coatings to improve global quality of fortified pumpkin" (2016) Genevois, C.E.; De Escalada Pla, M.F.; Flores, S.K. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies. 33:506-514