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Flores, Silvia Karina
"Obtaining microparticles and nanoparticles of starch as potassium sorbate antimicrobial support " (2014) Zalduendo, M.M.; Alzate, P.C.; Gerschenson, L.; Flores, S.K. Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society. 101(1-2):137-141
"Effect of iron and ascorbic acid addition on dry infusion process and final color of pumpkin tissue" (2014) Genevois, C.; Flores, S.; De Escalada Pla, M. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 58(2):563-570
"Biopolymeric antimicrobial films: Study of the influence of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, tapioca starch and glycerol contents on physical properties" (2014) Espinel Villacrés, R.A.; Flores, S.K.; Gerschenson, L.N. Materials Science and Engineering C. 36(1):108-117