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Erra Balsells, Rosa
"Photochemical reactions of carbazole with chloromethanes in organic media" (1999) Bonesi, S.M.; Erra-Balsells, R. Anales des la Asociacion Quimica Argentina. 87(3-4):127-142
"Low-temperature luminescence of purine derivatives: Salt effects" (1999) Murgida, D.H.; Erra-Balsells, R. Journal of Luminescence. 85(1-3):129-136
"A simple enzymatic procedure for the synthesis of a hydroxylated polyester from glycerol and adipic acid" (1999) Iglesias, L.E.;Fukuyama, Y.;Nonami, H. (...)Baldessari, A. Biotechnology Techniques. 13(12):923-926