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Dickenstein, Alicia Marcela
"Nilsson solutions for irregular A-hypergeometric systems" (2012) Dickenstein, A.; Martínez, F.N.; Matusevich, L.F. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana. 28(3):723-758
"Independent sets from an algebraic perspective" (2012) Dickenstein, A.; Tobis, E.A. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 22(2)
"Complex-linear invariants of biochemical networks" (2012) Karp, R.L.;Pérez Millán, M.;Dasgupta, T. (...)Gunawardena, J. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 311:130-138
"Chemical Reaction Systems with Toric Steady States" (2012) Pérez Millán, M.; Dickenstein, A.; Shiu, A.; Conradi, C. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 74(5):1027-1065
"A relation between number of integral points, volumes of faces and degree of the discriminant of smooth lattice polytopes" (2012) Dickenstein, A.; Nill, B.; Vergne, M. Comptes Rendus Mathematique. 350(5-6):229-233