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Campos, Carmen Adriana
"Inhibitory effect and cell damage on bacterial flora of fish caused by chitosan, nisin and sodium lactate" (2016) Schelegueda, L.I.; Zalazar, A.L.; Gliemmo, M.F.; Campos, C.A. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 83:396-402
"Effect of xantham gum, steviosides, clove, and cinnamon essential oils on the sensory and microbiological quality of a low sugar tomato jam" (2016) Gliemmo, M.F.;Montagnani, M.A.;Schelegueda, L.I. (...)Campos, C.A. Food Science and Technology International. 22(2):122-131
"Effect of antimicrobial mixtures and modified atmosphere packaging on the quality of Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi) burgers" (2016) Schelegueda, L.I.; Delcarlo, S.B.; Gliemmo, M.F.; Campos, C.A. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 68:258-264