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Cristiani, German Diego
"Very intense geomagnetic storms and their relation to interplanetary and solar active phenomena" (2013) Szajko, N.S.; Cristiani, G.; Mandrini, C.H.; Dal Lago, A. Advances in Space Research. 51(10):1842-1856
"Topological Analysis of Emerging Bipole Clusters Producing Violent Solar Events" (2013) Mandrini, C.H.;Schmieder, B.;Démoulin, P. (...)Cristiani, G.D. Solar Physics:1-31
"A Burst with Double Radio Spectrum Observed up to 212 GHz" (2013) Giménez de Castro, C.G.;Cristiani, G.D.;Simões, P.J.A. (...)Kaufmann, P. Solar Physics. 284(2):541-558