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Contreras, Rubén Horacio
"Theoretical additivity in multipath 13C, 1H coupling constants" (1984) Contreras, R.H.; Scuseria, G.E. Organic Magnetic Resonance. 22(6):411-414
"Conformational analysis in 2,4-dinitrophenol by nuclear Overhauser effect experiments" (1984) Balonga, P.E.;Vásquez, C.;Contreras, R.H. (...)de Kowalewski, D.G. Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 59(1):58-62
"A theoretical study of medium effects on the transmission mechanisms of the fermi contact term of spin–spin coupling constants in the acetamide molecule" (1984) Facelli, J.C.; Giribet, C.G.; Contreras, R.H. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 25(3):515-525
"A polarization propagator analysis of the through-space transmission of non-contact terms of FF coupling constants" (1984) Natiello, M.A.; Scuseria, G.E.; Contreras, R.H. Chemical Physics Letters. 108(6):589-592
"A long‐lived molecular association between acetone and 2‐methoxy‐5‐aminopyridine" (1984) Ortiz, F.S.; de Kowalewski, D.G.; Contreras, R.H.; Facelli, J.C. Organic Magnetic Resonance. 22(4):245-249