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Vera, Carolina Susana
"Summer heat waves in southeastern Patagonia: An analysis of the intraseasonal timescale" (2016) Jacques-Coper, M.;Brönnimann, S.;Martius, O. (...)Cerne, B. International Journal of Climatology. 36(3):1359-1374
"Predictability of the tropospheric circulation in the southern hemisphere from CHFP models" (2016) Osman, M.; Vera, C.S.; Doblas-Reyes, F.J. Climate Dynamics. 46(7-8):2423-2434
"Influence of the Madden Julian Oscillation on precipitation and surface air temperature in South America" (2016) Alvarez, M.S.; Vera, C.S.; Kiladis, G.N.; Liebmann, B. Climate Dynamics. 46(1-2):245-262
"Influence of the large-scale climate variability on daily rainfall extremes over Argentina" (2016) Robledo, F.A.; Vera, C.; Penalba, O.C. International Journal of Climatology. 36(1):412-423
"Influence of South America orography on summertime precipitation in Southeastern South America" (2016) Junquas, C.;Li, L.;Vera, C.S. (...)Takahashi, K. Climate Dynamics. 46(11-12):3941-3963