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Sigman, Mariano
"The taste of music" (2011) Mesz, B.; Trevisan, M.A.; Sigman, M. Perception. 40(2):209-219
"The human Turing machine: A neural framework for mental programs" (2011) Zylberberg, A.; Dehaene, S.; Roelfsema, P.R.; Sigman, M. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 15(7):293-300
"Parsing a perceptual decision into a sequence of moments of thought" (2011) Graziano, M.; Polosecki, P.; Shalom, D.E.; Sigman, M. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 5
"From ancient Greece to modern education: Universality and lack of generalization of the socratic dialogue" (2011) Goldin, A.P.; Pezzatti, L.; Battro, A.M.; Sigman, M. Mind, Brain, and Education. 5(4):180-185