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Oña, Ofelia Beatriz
"Structure and electronic properties of lithium-silicon clusters" (2013) González, S.I.; Oña, O.B.; Ferraro, M.B.; Facelli, J.C. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry. 1024:61-68
"Seniority number in spin-adapted spaces and compactness of configuration interaction wave functions" (2013) Alcoba, D.R.;Torre, A.;Lain, L. (...)Oña, O.B. Journal of Chemical Physics. 139(8)
"Fukui and dual-descriptor matrices within the framework of spin-polarized density functional theory" (2013) Alcoba, D.R.;Lain, L.;Torre, A. (...)Chamorro, E. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15(24):9594-9604
"An orbital localization criterion based on the topological analysis of the electron localization function" (2013) Oña, O.B.;Alcoba, D.R.;Tiznado, W. (...)Lain, L. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 113(9):1401-1408