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Lovrich, Gustavo Alejandro
"First year growth in the lithodids Lithodes santolla and Paralomis granulosa reared at different temperatures" (2005) Calcagno, J.A.;Lovrich, G.A.;Thatje, S. (...)Anger, K. Journal of Sea Research. 54(3):221-230
"Differential growth of the barnacle Notobalanus flosculus (Archaeobalanidae) onto artificial and live substrates in the Beagle Channel, Argentina" (2005) Venerus, L.A.; Calcagno, J.A.; Lovrich, G.A.; Nahabedian, D.E. Helgoland Marine Research. 59(3):196-205
"Challenging the cold: Crabs reconquer the antarctic" (2005) Thatje, S.;Anger, K.;Calcagno, J.A. (...)Arntz, W.E. Ecology. 86(3):619-625