

Drosophila tracheal terminal branches are plastic and have the capacity to sprout out projections toward oxygen-starved areas, in a process analogous to mammalian angiogenesis. This response involves the upregulation of FGF/Branchless in hypoxic tissues, which binds its receptor Breathless on tracheal cells. Here, we show that extra sprouting depends on the Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF)-α homolog Sima and on the HIF-prolyl hydroxylase Fatiga that operates as an oxygen sensor. In mild hypoxia, Sima accumulates in tracheal cells, where it induces breathless, and this induction is sufficient to provoke tracheal extra sprouting. In nontracheal cells, Sima contributes to branchless induction, whereas overexpression of Sima fails to attract terminal branch outgrowth, suggesting that HIF-independent components are also required for full induction of the ligand. We propose that the autonomous response to hypoxia that occurs in tracheal cells enhances tracheal sensitivity to increasing Branchless levels, and that this mechanism is a cardinal step in hypoxia-dependent tracheal sprouting. © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Cell Autonomy of HIF Effects in Drosophila: Tracheal Cells Sense Hypoxia and Induce Terminal Branch Sprouting
Autor:Centanin, L.; Dekanty, A.; Romero, N.; Irisarri, M.; Gorr, T.A.; Wappner, P.
Filiación:Instituto Leloir, FBMC, FCEyN-Universidad de Buenos Aires, Patricias Argentinas 435, Buenos Aires, 1405, Argentina
Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Vetsuisse Faculty, Zurich Center for Integrative Human Physiology (ZIHP), Wintherthurerstrasse 260, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Palabras clave:DEVBIO; cell protein; fibroblast growth factor receptor; hypoxia inducible factor alpha; ligand; procollagen proline 2 oxoglutarate 4 dioxygenase; protein Fatiga; transcription factor; transcription factor Branchless; transcription factor Breathless; transcription factor Sima; unclassified drug; angiogenesis; animal cell; article; cell hypoxia; controlled study; Drosophila; embryo; gene overexpression; nonhuman; organogenesis; oxygen sensing; phenotype; priority journal; protein expression; protein localization; tissue oxygenation; trachea; wild type; Animals; Anoxia; Body Patterning; DNA-Binding Proteins; Drosophila melanogaster; Drosophila Proteins; Fibroblast Growth Factors; Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental; Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1, alpha Subunit; Larva; Oxygen; Phenotype; Procollagen-Proline Dioxygenase; Protein-Tyrosine Kinases; Receptors, Fibroblast Growth Factor; Mammalia
Página de inicio:547
Página de fin:558
Título revista:Developmental Cell
Título revista abreviado:Dev. Cell
CAS:fibroblast growth factor receptor, 153424-51-2; procollagen proline 2 oxoglutarate 4 dioxygenase, 9028-06-2; DNA-Binding Proteins; Drosophila Proteins; Fibroblast Growth Factors, 62031-54-3; Hif prolyl hydroxylase, Drosophila,; Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1, alpha Subunit; Oxygen, 7782-44-7; Procollagen-Proline Dioxygenase,; Protein-Tyrosine Kinases,; Receptors, Fibroblast Growth Factor; Sima protein, Drosophila; branchless protein, Drosophila; breathless protein, Drosophila,


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---------- APA ----------
Centanin, L., Dekanty, A., Romero, N., Irisarri, M., Gorr, T.A. & Wappner, P. (2008) . Cell Autonomy of HIF Effects in Drosophila: Tracheal Cells Sense Hypoxia and Induce Terminal Branch Sprouting. Developmental Cell, 14(4), 547-558.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Centanin, L., Dekanty, A., Romero, N., Irisarri, M., Gorr, T.A., Wappner, P. "Cell Autonomy of HIF Effects in Drosophila: Tracheal Cells Sense Hypoxia and Induce Terminal Branch Sprouting" . Developmental Cell 14, no. 4 (2008) : 547-558.
---------- MLA ----------
Centanin, L., Dekanty, A., Romero, N., Irisarri, M., Gorr, T.A., Wappner, P. "Cell Autonomy of HIF Effects in Drosophila: Tracheal Cells Sense Hypoxia and Induce Terminal Branch Sprouting" . Developmental Cell, vol. 14, no. 4, 2008, pp. 547-558.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Centanin, L., Dekanty, A., Romero, N., Irisarri, M., Gorr, T.A., Wappner, P. Cell Autonomy of HIF Effects in Drosophila: Tracheal Cells Sense Hypoxia and Induce Terminal Branch Sprouting. Dev. Cell. 2008;14(4):547-558.