

Background: Eukaryotic DNA methylation is one of the most studied epigenetic processes, as it results in a direct and heritable covalent modification triggered by external stimuli. In contrast to mammals, plant DNA methylation, which is stimulated by external cues exemplified by various abiotic types of stress, is often found not only at CG sites but also at CNG (N denoting A, C or T) and CNN (asymmetric) sites. A genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation in Arabidopsis has shown that CNN methylation is preferentially concentrated in transposon genes and non-coding repetitive elements. We are particularly interested in investigating the epigenetics of plant species with larger and more complex genomes than Arabidopsis, particularly with regards to the associated alterations elicited by abiotic stress.Results: We describe the existence of CNN-methylated epialleles that span Asr1, a non-transposon, protein-coding gene from tomato plants that lacks an orthologous counterpart in Arabidopsis. In addition, to test the hypothesis of a link between epigenetics modifications and the adaptation of crop plants to abiotic stress, we exhaustively explored the cytosine methylation status in leaf Asr1 DNA, a model gene in our system, resulting from water-deficit stress conditions imposed on tomato plants. We found that drought conditions brought about removal of methyl marks at approximately 75 of the 110 asymmetric (CNN) sites analysed, concomitantly with a decrease of the repressive H3K27me3 epigenetic mark and a large induction of expression at the RNA level. When pinpointing those sites, we observed that demethylation occurred mostly in the intronic region.Conclusions: These results demonstrate a novel genomic distribution of CNN methylation, namely in the transcribed region of a protein-coding, non-repetitive gene, and the changes in those epigenetic marks that are caused by water stress. These findings may represent a general mechanism for the acquisition of new epialleles in somatic cells, which are pivotal for regulating gene expression in plants. © 2011 González et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Atypical epigenetic mark in an atypical location: Cytosine methylation at asymmetric (CNN) sites within the body of a non-repetitive tomato gene
Autor:González, R.M.; Ricardi, M.M.; Iusem, N.D.
Filiación:Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires e IFIByNE-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Epigeneticsasymmetric methylationAsr1water stress; Tomato; Arabidopsis; Eukaryota; Lycopersicon esculentum; Mammalia; Asr1 protein, Lycopersicon esculentum; cytosine; plant DNA; vegetable protein; article; biosynthesis; dehydration; DNA methylation; gene expression regulation; genetic epigenesis; genetics; metabolism; methylation; tomato; Cytosine; Dehydration; DNA Methylation; DNA, Plant; Epigenesis, Genetic; Gene Expression Regulation, Plant; Lycopersicon esculentum; Methylation; Plant Proteins
Título revista:BMC Plant Biology
Título revista abreviado:BMC Plant Biol.
CAS:cytosine, 71-30-7; Asr1 protein, Lycopersicon esculentum; Cytosine, 71-30-7; DNA, Plant; Plant Proteins


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---------- APA ----------
González, R.M., Ricardi, M.M. & Iusem, N.D. (2011) . Atypical epigenetic mark in an atypical location: Cytosine methylation at asymmetric (CNN) sites within the body of a non-repetitive tomato gene. BMC Plant Biology, 11.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
González, R.M., Ricardi, M.M., Iusem, N.D. "Atypical epigenetic mark in an atypical location: Cytosine methylation at asymmetric (CNN) sites within the body of a non-repetitive tomato gene" . BMC Plant Biology 11 (2011).
---------- MLA ----------
González, R.M., Ricardi, M.M., Iusem, N.D. "Atypical epigenetic mark in an atypical location: Cytosine methylation at asymmetric (CNN) sites within the body of a non-repetitive tomato gene" . BMC Plant Biology, vol. 11, 2011.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
González, R.M., Ricardi, M.M., Iusem, N.D. Atypical epigenetic mark in an atypical location: Cytosine methylation at asymmetric (CNN) sites within the body of a non-repetitive tomato gene. BMC Plant Biol. 2011;11.