

Nitrogen compounds like urea and melamine are known to be commonly used for milk adulteration resulting in undesired intoxication; a well-known example is the Chinese episode occurred in 2008. The development of a rapid, reliable and economic test is of relevance in order to improve adulterated milk identification. Cyclic voltammetry studies using an Au working electrode were performed on adulterated and non-adulterated milk samples from different independent manufacturers. Voltammetric data and their first derivative were subjected to functional principal component analysis (f-PCA) and correctly classified by the KNN classifier. The adulterated and non-adulterated milk samples showed significant differences. Best results of prediction were obtained with first derivative data. Detection limits in milk samples adulterated with 1% of its total nitrogen derived from melamine or urea were as low as 85.0 mg·L-1 and 121.4 mg·L-1, respectively. We present this method as a fast and robust screening method for milk adulteration analysis and prevention of food intoxication. © 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Voltamperometric discrimination of urea and melamine adulterated skimmed milk powder
Autor:Hilding-Ohlsson, A.; Fauerbach, J.A.; Sacco, N.J.; Bonetto, M.C.; Cortón, E.
Filiación:Biosensors and Bioanalysis Lab, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (IQUIBICEN, CONICET), CABA 1428, Argentina
Departamento de Química Orgánica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (CIHIDECAR, CONICET), CABA 1428, Argentina
Palabras clave:F-PCA; KNN; Milk adulteration; Rapid screening methods; Voltammetry; F-PCA; Functional principal component analysis; KNN; Milk adulterations; Rapid screening; Screening methods; Significant differences; Voltammetric data; Cyclic voltammetry; Metabolism; Principal component analysis; Voltammetry; Urea; melamine; triazine derivative; urea; animal; article; chemistry; dairy product; f-PCA; food contamination; KNN; methodology; milk; milk adulteration; potentiometry; powder; principal component analysis; rapid screening methods; f-PCA; KNN; milk adulteration; rapid screening methods; voltammetry; Animals; Dairy Products; Food Contamination; Milk; Powders; Principal Component Analysis; Triazines; Urea
Página de inicio:12220
Página de fin:12234
Título revista:Sensors (Switzerland)
Título revista abreviado:Sensors
CAS:melamine, 108-78-1, 25778-04-5; urea, 57-13-6; Powders; Triazines; Urea, 8W8T17847W; melamine, N3GP2YSD88


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---------- APA ----------
Hilding-Ohlsson, A., Fauerbach, J.A., Sacco, N.J., Bonetto, M.C. & Cortón, E. (2012) . Voltamperometric discrimination of urea and melamine adulterated skimmed milk powder. Sensors (Switzerland), 12(9), 12220-12234.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Hilding-Ohlsson, A., Fauerbach, J.A., Sacco, N.J., Bonetto, M.C., Cortón, E. "Voltamperometric discrimination of urea and melamine adulterated skimmed milk powder" . Sensors (Switzerland) 12, no. 9 (2012) : 12220-12234.
---------- MLA ----------
Hilding-Ohlsson, A., Fauerbach, J.A., Sacco, N.J., Bonetto, M.C., Cortón, E. "Voltamperometric discrimination of urea and melamine adulterated skimmed milk powder" . Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 12, no. 9, 2012, pp. 12220-12234.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Hilding-Ohlsson, A., Fauerbach, J.A., Sacco, N.J., Bonetto, M.C., Cortón, E. Voltamperometric discrimination of urea and melamine adulterated skimmed milk powder. Sensors. 2012;12(9):12220-12234.