

We exhibit a new method for showing lower bounds for time-space tradeoffs of polynomial evaluation procedures given by straight-line programs. From the tradeoff results obtained by this method we deduce lower space bounds for polynomial evaluation procedures running in optimal nonscalar time. Time, denoted by L, is measured in terms of nonscalar arithmetic operations and space, denoted by S, is measured by the maximal number of pebbles (registers) used during the given evaluation procedure. The time-space tradeoff function considered in this paper is LS2. We show that for "almost all" univariate polynomials of degree at most d our time-space tradeoff functions satisfy the inequality LS2≥d8. From this we conclude that for "almost all" degree d univariate polynomials, any nonscalar time optimal evaluation procedure requires space at least S≥cd, where c>0 is a suitable universal constant. The main part of this paper is devoted to the exhibition of specific families of univariate polynomials which are "hard to compute" in the sense of time-space tradeoff (this means that our tradeoff function increases linearly in the degree). © 2000 Academic Press.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Time-Space Tradeoffs in Algebraic Complexity Theory
Autor:Aldaz, M.; Heintz, J.; Matera, G.; Montaña, J.L.; Pardo, L.M.
Filiación:Depto. de Matemat. e Info., Univ. Pública de Navarra, E-31006, Pamplona, Spain
Depto. de Matemáticas, Est. y Comp., Universidad de Cantabria, E-39071, Santander, Spain
Departamento de Matemática, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. I, 1428, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Laboratorio de Computación, Universidad Favaloro, Solís 453, 1078, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Desarrollo Humano, Univ. Nacional de Gral. Sarmiento, Roca 850, 1663, San Miguel, Argentina
Depto. de Matemáticas, Est. Y Comp., Universidad de Cantabria, E-39071, Santander, Spain
Palabras clave:Pebble game; time-space tradeoff; straight-line program; elimination theory
Página de inicio:2
Página de fin:49
Título revista:Journal of Complexity
Título revista abreviado:J. Complexity


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---------- APA ----------
Aldaz, M., Heintz, J., Matera, G., Montaña, J.L. & Pardo, L.M. (2000) . Time-Space Tradeoffs in Algebraic Complexity Theory. Journal of Complexity, 16(1), 2-49.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Aldaz, M., Heintz, J., Matera, G., Montaña, J.L., Pardo, L.M. "Time-Space Tradeoffs in Algebraic Complexity Theory" . Journal of Complexity 16, no. 1 (2000) : 2-49.
---------- MLA ----------
Aldaz, M., Heintz, J., Matera, G., Montaña, J.L., Pardo, L.M. "Time-Space Tradeoffs in Algebraic Complexity Theory" . Journal of Complexity, vol. 16, no. 1, 2000, pp. 2-49.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Aldaz, M., Heintz, J., Matera, G., Montaña, J.L., Pardo, L.M. Time-Space Tradeoffs in Algebraic Complexity Theory. J. Complexity. 2000;16(1):2-49.