

We present a measure of string complexity, called I-complexity, computable in linear time and space. It counts the number of different substrings in a given string. The least complex strings are the runs of a single symbol, the most complex are the de Bruijn strings. Although the I-complexity of a string is not the length of any minimal description of the string, it satisfies many basic properties of classical description complexity. In particular, the number of strings with I-complexity up to a given value is bounded, and most strings of each length have high I-complexity. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:A linearly computable measure of string complexity
Autor:Becher, V.; Heiber, P.A.
Filiación:Departamento de Computación, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Basic properties; Computable measures; De Bruijn; Description complexity; Linear time; String complexity; Sub-strings; Computer science
Página de inicio:62
Página de fin:73
Título revista:Theoretical Computer Science
Título revista abreviado:Theor Comput Sci


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---------- APA ----------
Becher, V. & Heiber, P.A. (2012) . A linearly computable measure of string complexity. Theoretical Computer Science, 438, 62-73.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Becher, V., Heiber, P.A. "A linearly computable measure of string complexity" . Theoretical Computer Science 438 (2012) : 62-73.
---------- MLA ----------
Becher, V., Heiber, P.A. "A linearly computable measure of string complexity" . Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 438, 2012, pp. 62-73.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Becher, V., Heiber, P.A. A linearly computable measure of string complexity. Theor Comput Sci. 2012;438:62-73.