

From a Lie algebra g satisfying Z(g)=0 and Λ2(g)g=0 (in particular, for g semisimple) we describe explicitly all Lie bialgebra structures on extensions of the form L=g×K{double-struck} in terms of Lie bialgebra structures on g (not necessarily factorizable nor quasi-triangular) and its biderivations, for any field K of characteristic different form 2, 3. If moreover, [g,g]=g, then we describe also all Lie bialgebra structures on extensions L=g×K{double-struck}n. In interesting cases we characterize the Lie algebra of biderivations. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Trivial central extensions of Lie bialgebras
Autor:Farinati, M.A.; Jancsa, A.P.
Filiación:Dto. de Matemática, FCEyN, UBA, Cdad. Universitaria, Pabellón I, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Derivations; Extensions; Lie bialgebras
Página de inicio:56
Página de fin:76
Título revista:Journal of Algebra
Título revista abreviado:J. Algebra


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---------- APA ----------
Farinati, M.A. & Jancsa, A.P. (2013) . Trivial central extensions of Lie bialgebras. Journal of Algebra, 390, 56-76.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Farinati, M.A., Jancsa, A.P. "Trivial central extensions of Lie bialgebras" . Journal of Algebra 390 (2013) : 56-76.
---------- MLA ----------
Farinati, M.A., Jancsa, A.P. "Trivial central extensions of Lie bialgebras" . Journal of Algebra, vol. 390, 2013, pp. 56-76.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Farinati, M.A., Jancsa, A.P. Trivial central extensions of Lie bialgebras. J. Algebra. 2013;390:56-76.