Lista de

"Multiple jets in the Malvinas current" (2013) Piola, A.R.; Franco, B.C.; Palma, E.D.; Saraceno, M. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 118(4):2107-2117
"Multiple jets in the Malvinas current" (2013) Piola, A.R.; Franco, B.C.; Palma, E.D.; Saraceno, M. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 118(4):2107-2117
"Fingerprints of the hierarchical building-up of the structure on the gas kinematics of galaxies" (2012) De Rossi, M.E.; Tissera, P.B.; Pedrosa, S.E. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 546
"Expansion of magnetic clouds in the outer heliosphere" (2012) Gulisano, A.M.; Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S.; Rodriguez, L. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 543
"Anisotropic third-moment estimates of the energy cascade in solar wind turbulence using multispacecraft data" (2011) Osman, K.T.;Wan, M.;Matthaeus, W.H. (...)Dasso, S. Physical Review Letters. 107(16)
"Study of a pseudo-empirical model approach to characterize plasma actuators" (2011) Bermudez, M.M.;Sosa, R.;Grondona, D. (...)Artana, G. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 296(1)
"Flagellar phenotypic plasticity in volvocalean algae correlates with Péclet number" (2011) Solari, C.A.;Drescher, K.;Ganguly, S. (...)Goldstein, R.E. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 8(63):1409-1417
"Global and local expansion of magnetic clouds in the inner heliosphere" (2010) Gulisano, A.M.;Démoulin, P.;Dasso, S. (...)Marsch, E. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 509(1)
"Determination of plasma velocity from light fluctuations in a cutting torch" (2009) Prevosto, L.; Kelly, H.; Mancinelli, B. Journal of Applied Physics. 106(5)
"Causes and consequences of magnetic cloud expansion" (2009) Démoulin, P.; Dasso, S. Astronomy and Astrophysics. 498(2):551-566
"Quantitative single particle tracking of NGF-receptor complexes: Transport is bidirectional but biased by longer retrograde run lengths" (2007) Echarte, M.M.;Bruno, L.;Arndt-Jovin, D.J. (...)Pietrasanta, L.I. FEBS Letters. 581(16):2905-2913
"A dynamical model of kinesin-microtubule motility assays" (2001) Gibbons, F.; Chauwin, J.-F.; Despósito, M.; José, J.V. Biophysical Journal. 80(6):2515-2526
"Buoyancy and electrically driven convection models in thin-layer electrodeposition" (1999) Marshall, G.; Mocskos, P.; Swinney, H.L.; Huth, J.M. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 59(2):2157-2167