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transcription factor
"In Silico Structural and Functional Characterization of the RSUME Splice Variants" (2013) Gerez, J.;Fuertes, M.;Tedesco, L. (...)Arzt, E. PLoS ONE. 8(2)
"BUHO: A MATLAB Script for the Study of Stress Granules and Processing Bodies by High-Throughput Image Analysis" (2012) Perez-Pepe, M.;Slomiansky, V.;Loschi, M. (...)Boccaccio, G.L. PLoS ONE. 7(12)
"Uga3 and Uga35/Dal81 transcription factors regulate UGA4 transcription in response to γ-Aminobutyric acid and Leucine" (2010) Cardillo, S.B.; Moretti, M.B.; García, S.C. Eukaryotic Cell. 9(8):1262-1271
"Uga3 and Uga35/Dal81 transcription factors regulate UGA4 transcription in response to γ-Aminobutyric acid and Leucine" (2010) Cardillo, S.B.; Moretti, M.B.; García, S.C. Eukaryotic Cell. 9(8):1262-1271
"Cell Autonomy of HIF Effects in Drosophila: Tracheal Cells Sense Hypoxia and Induce Terminal Branch Sprouting" (2008) Centanin, L.;Dekanty, A.;Romero, N. (...)Wappner, P. Developmental Cell. 14(4):547-558
"Identification of the cellular targets of the transcription factor TCERG1 reveals a prevalent role in mrna processing" (2008) Pearson, J.L.;Robinson, T.J.;Muñoz, M.J. (...)Garcia-Blanco, M.A. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(12):7949-7961
"The pathology of pre-mRNA splicing: A meeting in the Italian Alps. Workshop on Pre-mRNA Processing and Disease" (2007) Caceres, J.F.; Krainer, A.R.; Kornblihtt, A.R. EMBO Reports. 8(8):730-734
"Regulation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor expression in rat granulosa cells" (2006) Bussmann, U.A.; Barañao, J.L. Biology of Reproduction. 75(3):360-369
"The insulin-PI3K/TOR pathway induces a HIF-dependent transcriptional response in Drosophila by promoting nuclear localization of HIF-α /Sima" (2005) Dekanty, A.;Lavista-Llanos, S.;Irisarri, M. (...)Wappner, P. Journal of Cell Science. 118(23):5431-5441
"The steroid receptor co-activator-1 (SRC-1) potentiates TGF-β/Smad signaling: Role of p300/CBP" (2005) Dennler, S.;Pendaries, V.;Tacheau, C. (...)Verrecchia, F. Oncogene. 24(11):1936-1945
"Activation of the transcription factor NF-κB by retrieval is required for long-term memory reconsolidation" (2005) Merlo, E.; Freudenthal, R.; Maldonado, H.; Romano, A. Learning and Memory. 12(1):23-29
"Hepatic nuclear factor 3 and nuclear factor 1 regulate 5-aminolevulinate synthase gene expression and are involved in insulin repression" (2004) Scassa, M.E.; Guberman, A.S.; Ceruti, J.M.; Cánepa, E.T. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279(27):28082-28092
"Control of alternative pre-mRNA splicing by RNA pol II elongation: Faster is not always better" (2003) Nogués, G.;Kadener, S.;Cramer, P. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. IUBMB Life. 55(4-5):235-241
"Activation and induction of Nur77/Nurr1 in corticotrophs by CRH/cAMP: Involvement of calcium, protein kinase a, and MAPK pathways" (2002) Kovalovsky, D.;Refojo, D.;Liberman, A.C. (...)Arzt, E. Molecular Endocrinology. 16(7):1638-1651
"Human p8 Is a HMG-I/Y-like Protein with DNA Binding Activity Enhanced by Phosphorylation" (2001) Encinar, J.A.;Mallo, G.V.;Mizyrycki, C. (...)Iovanna, J.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 276(4):2742-2751
"gp130 cytokine signaling in the pituitary gland: A paradigm for cytokine-neuro-endocrine pathways" (2001) Arzt, E. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 108(12):1729-1733
"RAC-3 is a NF-κB coactivator" (2000) Werbajh, S.; Nojek, I.; Lanz, R.; Costas, M.A. FEBS Letters. 485(2-3):195-199