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"Elimination of D-lactate synthesis increases poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and ethanol synthesis from glycerol and affects cofactor distribution in recombinant Escherichia coli" (2010) Nikel, P.I.;Giordano, A.M.;De Almeida, A. (...)Pettinari, M.J. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76(22):7400-7406
"Characterization of substrates that have a differential effect on Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein kinase A holoenzyme activation" (2010) Galello, F.; Portela, P.; Moreno, S.; Rossi, S. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285(39):29770-29779
"Computer simulations of catanionic surfactants adsorbed at air/water interfaces. II. Full coverage" (2007) Clavero, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Laria, D. Journal of Chemical Physics. 127(12)
"Quasi-one- and two-dimensional transitions of gases adsorbed on nanotube bundles" (2001) Gatica, S.M.; Bojan, M.J.; Stan, G.; Cole, M.W. Journal of Chemical Physics. 114(8):3765-3769