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"B-Raf and CRHR1 internalization mediate biphasic ERK1/2 activation by CRH in hippocampal HT22 cells" (2013) Bonfiglio, J.J.;Inda, C.;Senin, S. (...)Silberstein, S. Molecular Endocrinology. 27(3):491-510
"Phylogenetic differences in calcium permeability of the auditory hair cell cholinergic nicotinic receptor" (2012) Lipovsek, M.;Im, G.J.;Franchini, L.F. (...)Elgoyhen, A.B. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(11):4308-4313
"A monoclonal antibody against p53 cross-reacts with processing bodies" (2012) Thomas, M.G.;Luchelli, L.;Pascual, M. (...)Boccaccio, G.L. PLoS ONE. 7(5)
"Identification of transmitter systems and learning tag molecules involved in behavioral tagging during memory formation" (2011) Moncada, D.;Ballarini, F.;Martinez, M.C. (...)Viola, H. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108(31):12931-12936
"Galectin-3 drives oligodendrocyte differentiation to control myelin integrity and function" (2011) Pasquini, L.A.;Millet, V.;Hoyos, H.C. (...)Pasquini, J.M. Cell Death and Differentiation. 18(11):1746-1756
"Subcellular rearrangement of hsp90-binding immunophilins accompanies neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth" (2010) Quintá, H.R.;Maschi, D.;Gomez-Sanchez, C. (...)Galigniana, M.D. Journal of Neurochemistry. 115(3):716-734
"The hsp90-FKBP52 complex links the mineralocorticoid receptor to motor proteins and persists bound to the receptor in early nuclear events" (2010) Galigniana, M.D.;Erlejman, A.G.;Monte, M. (...)Piwien-Pilipuk, G. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 30(5):1285-1298
"Calcium imaging in the ant Camponotus fellah reveals a conserved odour-similarity space in insects and mammals" (2010) Dupuy, F.; Josens, R.; Giurfa, M.; Sandoz, J.-C. BMC Neuroscience. 11
"Curcumin acts as anti-tumorigenic and hormone-suppressive agent in murine and human pituitary tumour cells in vitro and in vivo" (2009) Schaaf, C.;Shan, B.;Buchfelder, M. (...)Renner, U. Endocrine-Related Cancer. 16(4):1339-1350
"Mammalian Staufen 1 is recruited to stress granules and impairs their assembly" (2009) Thomas, M.G.;Martinez Tosar, L.J.;Desbats, M.A. (...)Boccaccio, G.L. Journal of Cell Science. 122(4):563-573
"Molecular interaction of BMP-4, TGF-β, and estrogens in lactotrophs: Impact on the PRL promoter" (2009) Giacomini, D.;Páez-Pereda, M.;Stalla, J. (...)Arzt, E. Molecular Endocrinology. 23(7):1102-1114
"Behavioral tagging is a general mechanism of long-term memory formation" (2009) Ballarini, F.;Moncada, D.;Martinez, M.C. (...)Viola, H. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106(34):14599-14604
"PKMζ inactivation induces spatial familiarity" (2008) Moncada, D.; Viola, H. Learning and Memory. 15(11):810-814
"Leptin modulates the expression of its receptors in the hypothalamic-pituitary - Ovarian axis in a differential way" (2008) Di Yorio, M.P.;Bilbao, M.G.;Pustovrh, M.C. (...)Faletti, A.G. Journal of Endocrinology. 198(2):355-366
"Quantitative single particle tracking of NGF-receptor complexes: Transport is bidirectional but biased by longer retrograde run lengths" (2007) Echarte, M.M.;Bruno, L.;Arndt-Jovin, D.J. (...)Pietrasanta, L.I. FEBS Letters. 581(16):2905-2913
"Ryanodine is a positive modulator of acetylcholine receptor gating in cochlear hair cells" (2007) Zorrilla De San Martín, J.;Ballestero, J.;Katz, E. (...)Fuchs, P.A. JARO - Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 8(4):474-483
"Regulation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor expression in rat granulosa cells" (2006) Bussmann, U.A.; Barañao, J.L. Biology of Reproduction. 75(3):360-369
"Relative contribution of V-H+ATPase and NA+/ H+ exchanger to bicarbonate reabsorption in proximal convoluted tubules of old rats" (2006) Fiori, M.;Radrizzani, M.;Díaz-sylvester, P. (...)Amorena, C. Aging Cell. 5(5):367-372
"Inhibitory effect of leptin on the rat ovary during the ovulatory process" (2006) Ricci, A.G.; Di Yorio, M.P.; Faletti, A.G. Reproduction. 132(5):771-780
"Hypothyroid phenotype is contributed by mitochondrial complex I inactivation due to translocated neuronal nitric-oxide synthase" (2006) Franco, M.C.;Antico Arciuch, V.G.;Peralta, J.G. (...)Carreras, M.C. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281(8):4779-4786
"Developmental regulation of nicotinic synapses on cochlear inner hair cells" (2004) Katz, E.;Elgoyhen, A.B.;Gómez-Casati, M.E. (...)Glowatzki, E. Journal of Neuroscience. 24(36):7814-7820
"Linopirdine blocks α9α10-containing nicotinic cholinergic receptors of cochlear hair cells" (2004) Gomez-Casati, M.E.;Katz, E.;Glowatzki, E. (...)Elgoyhen, A.B. JARO - Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 5(3):261-269
"Evidence for glucocorticoid receptor transport on microtubules by dynein" (2004) Harrell, J.M.;Murphy, P.J.M.;Morishima, Y. (...)Pratt, W.B. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 279(52):54647-54654
"Regulation of fibronectin splicing in sinusoidal endothelial cells from normal or injured liver" (2004) Chang, M.-L.;Chen, J.-C.;Alonso, C.R. (...)Bissell, D.M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(52):18093-18098
"α10: A determinant of nicotinic cholinergic receptor function in mammalian vestibular and cochlear mechanosensory hair cells" (2001) Elgoyhen, A.B.;Vetter, D.E.;Katz, E. (...)Boulter, J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98(6):3501-3506
"Novel processing in a mammalian nuclear 28S pre-rRNA: Tissue-specific elimination of an 'intron' bearing a hidden break site" (1999) Melen, G.J.; Pesce, C.G.; Rossi, M.S.; Kornblihtt, A.R. EMBO Journal. 18(11):3107-3118
"Life history of Pygidiopsis crassus n. sp. (Trematoda, Digenea, Heterophyidae) in the neotropical region." (1995) Ostrowski de Núñez, M. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 90(1):13-19
"Influence of the strain of rats on the induction of hexachlorobenzene induced porphyria" (1989) Wainstok de Calmanovici, R.; Billi de Catabbi, S.C.; Aldonatti, C.A.; San Martin de Viale, L.C. International Journal of Biochemistry. 21(4):377-381
"Liver porphyrinogen carboxylyase in hexachlorobenzene porphyric rats. Studies with intermediate porphyrinogens of series III and with uroporphyrinogen I" (1987) Rios de Molina del, M.C.; Wainstok de Calmanovici, R.; San Martin de Viale, L.C. International Journal of Biochemistry. 19(4):365-372
"Porphyrin biosynthesis. VII. Porphyrinogen carboxy-lyase from avian erythrocytes. Purification and properties" (1970) Tomio, J.M.; García, R.C.; San Martín De Viale, L.C.; Grinstein, M. BBA - Enzymology. 198(2):353-363