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"Signaling pathways of cell proliferation are involved in the differential effect of erythropoietin and its carbamylated derivative" (2013) Chamorro, M.E.;Wenker, S.D.;Vota, D.M. (...)Nesse, A.B. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research. 1833(8):1960-1968
"Attachment Patterns Trigger Differential Neural Signature of Emotional Processing in Adolescents" (2013) Escobar, M.J.;Rivera-Rei, A.;Decety, J. (...)Ibañez, A. PLoS ONE. 8(8)
"Brief predator sound exposure elicits behavioral and neuronal long-term sensitization in the olfactory system of an insect" (2011) Anton, S.;Evengaard, K.;Barrozo, R.B. (...)Skals, N. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108(8):3401-3405
"Convergent evolution of two mammalian neuronal enhancers by sequential exaptation of unrelated retroposons" (2011) Franchini, L.F.;López-Leal, R.;Nasif, S. (...)Rubinstein, M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108(37):15270-15275
"Brain modularity in arthropods: Individual neurons that support "what" but not "where" memories" (2011) Sztarker, J.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(22):8175-8180
"Chromatin and alternative splicing" (2010) Alló, M.;Schor, I.E.;Muñoz, M.J. (...)Kornblihtt, A.R. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. 75:103-111
"Subcellular rearrangement of hsp90-binding immunophilins accompanies neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth" (2010) Quintá, H.R.;Maschi, D.;Gomez-Sanchez, C. (...)Galigniana, M.D. Journal of Neurochemistry. 115(3):716-734
"Switching attraction to inhibition: Mating-induced reversed role of sex pheromone in an insect" (2010) Barrozo, R.B.; Gadenne, C.; Anton, S. Journal of Experimental Biology. 213(17):2933-2939
"Calcium imaging in the ant Camponotus fellah reveals a conserved odour-similarity space in insects and mammals" (2010) Dupuy, F.; Josens, R.; Giurfa, M.; Sandoz, J.-C. BMC Neuroscience. 11
"Ancient exaptation of a CORE-SINE retroposon into a highly conserved mammalian neuronal enhancer of the proopiomelanocortin gene" (2007) Santangelo, A.M.;De Souza, F.S.J.;Franchini, L.F. (...)Rubinstein, M. PLoS Genetics. 3(10):1813-1826
"Genes involved in the balance between neuronal survival and death during inflammation" (2007) Glezer, I.;Chernomoretz, A.;David, S. (...)Rivest, S. PLoS ONE. 2(3)
"Brain States: Top-Down Influences in Sensory Processing" (2007) Gilbert, C.D.; Sigman, M. Neuron. 54(5):677-696
"Spatiotemporal response of neuronal networks to time-dependent spectral features" (2007) Balenzuela, P.; García-Ojalvo, J. 15th Conference on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics. 913:178-183
"Mammalian smaug is a translational repressor that forms cytoplasmic foci similar to stress granules" (2005) Baez, M.V.; Boccaccio, G.L. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280(52):43131-43140
"Influence of time-delayed feedback in the firing pattern of thermally sensitive neurons" (2004) Sainz-Trapága, M.; Masoller, C.; Braun, H.A.; Huber, M.T. Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 70(3):11
"Identification of individual neurons reflecting short- and long-term visual memory in an arthropod" (2003) Tomsic, D.; Berón de Astrada, M.; Sztarker, J. Journal of Neuroscience. 23(24):8539-8546