

Modulation of sensitivity to sensory cues by experience is essential for animals to adapt to a changing environment. Sensitization and adaptation to signals of the same modality as a function of experience have been shown in many cases, and some of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying these processes have been described. However, the influence of sensory signals on the sensitivity of a different modality is largely unknown. In males of the noctuid moth, Spodoptera littoralis, the sensitivity to the female-produced sex pheromone increases 24 h after a brief preexposure with pheromone at the behavioral and central nervous level. Here we show that this effect is not confined to the same sensory modality: the sensitivity of olfactory neurons can also be modulated by exposure to a different sensory stimulus, i.e., a pulsed stimulus mimicking echolocating sounds from attacking insectivorous bats. We tested responses of preexposed male moths in a walking bioassay and recorded from neurons in the primary olfactory center, the antennal lobe. We show that brief exposure to a bat call, but not to a behaviorally irrelevant tone, increases the behavioral sensitivity of male moths to sex pheromone 24 h later in the same way as exposure to the sex pheromone itself. The observed behavioral modification is accompanied by an increase in the sensitivity of olfactory neurons in the antennal lobe. Our data provide thus evidence for cross-modal experience-dependent plasticity not only on the behavioral level, but also on the central nervous level, in an insect.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Brief predator sound exposure elicits behavioral and neuronal long-term sensitization in the olfactory system of an insect
Autor:Anton, S.; Evengaard, K.; Barrozo, R.B.; Anderson, P.; Skals, N.
Filiación:Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Unité Mixte de Recherche 1272, Centre de Recherches de Versailles, 78026 Versailles Cedex, France
Chemical Ecology, Department of Plant Protection Biology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 230 53 Alnarp, Sweden
Department of Biodiversity and Experimental Biology, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Institute of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, DK-5230 Odense, Denmark
Palabras clave:Bat sound; Intracellular recording; Plant odor; Sexual behavior; sex pheromone; animal behavior; animal cell; animal tissue; antenna; article; bat; bioassay; controlled study; echolocation; environmental exposure; female; insect; male; moth; nonhuman; olfactory nerve; predator; priority journal; recording; sensitization; sensory stimulation; signal transduction; sound transmission; Animals; Auditory Perception; Behavior, Animal; Chiroptera; Echolocation; Female; Insects; Male; Neurons; Olfactory Pathways; Olfactory Perception; Predatory Behavior; Sex Attractants; Spodoptera; Vocalization, Animal; Animalia; Hexapoda; Lepidoptera; Noctuidae; Spodoptera littoralis
Página de inicio:3401
Página de fin:3405
Título revista:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Título revista abreviado:Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.
CAS:Sex Attractants


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---------- APA ----------
Anton, S., Evengaard, K., Barrozo, R.B., Anderson, P. & Skals, N. (2011) . Brief predator sound exposure elicits behavioral and neuronal long-term sensitization in the olfactory system of an insect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(8), 3401-3405.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Anton, S., Evengaard, K., Barrozo, R.B., Anderson, P., Skals, N. "Brief predator sound exposure elicits behavioral and neuronal long-term sensitization in the olfactory system of an insect" . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, no. 8 (2011) : 3401-3405.
---------- MLA ----------
Anton, S., Evengaard, K., Barrozo, R.B., Anderson, P., Skals, N. "Brief predator sound exposure elicits behavioral and neuronal long-term sensitization in the olfactory system of an insect" . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 108, no. 8, 2011, pp. 3401-3405.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Anton, S., Evengaard, K., Barrozo, R.B., Anderson, P., Skals, N. Brief predator sound exposure elicits behavioral and neuronal long-term sensitization in the olfactory system of an insect. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2011;108(8):3401-3405.