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"Ideal evolution of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence when imposing Taylor-Green symmetries" (2013) Brachet, M.E.;Bustamante, M.D.;Krstulovic, G. (...)Rosenberg, D. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87(1)
"Generation of affinity-tagged fluoromycobacteriophages by mixed assembly of phage capsids" (2013) Piuri, M.; Rondón, L.; Urdániz, E.; Hatfull, G.F. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 79(18):5608-5615
"Voltamperometric discrimination of urea and melamine adulterated skimmed milk powder" (2012) Hilding-Ohlsson, A.;Fauerbach, J.A.;Sacco, N.J. (...)Cortón, E. Sensors (Switzerland). 12(9):12220-12234
"Effects of temperature on responses to anoxia and oxygen reperfusion in Drosophila melanogaster" (2011) Schilman, P.E.; Waters, J.S.; Harrison, J.F.; Lighton, J.R.B. Journal of Experimental Biology. 214(8):1271-1275
"Junín virus infection impairs stress-granule formation in Vero cells treated with arsenite via inhibition of eiF2α phosphorylation" (2011) Linero, F.N.; Thomas, M.G.; Boccaccio, G.L.; Scolaro, L.A. Journal of General Virology. 92(12):2889-2899
"Confocal fluorescence anisotropy and FRAP imaging of α-synuclein amyloid aggregates in living cells" (2011) Roberti, M.J.; Jovin, T.M.; Jares-Erijman, E. PLoS ONE. 6(8)
"Nuclear magnetic resonance shielding constants and chemical shifts in linear 199Hg compounds: A comparison of three relativistic computational methods" (2011) Arcisauskaite, V.; Melo, J.I.; Hemmingsen, L.; Sauer, S.P.A. Journal of Chemical Physics. 135(4)
"Effects of photooxidation on membrane integrity in Salix nigra seeds" (2010) Roqueiro, G.;Facorro, G.B.;Huarte, M.G. (...)Maroder, H. Annals of Botany. 105(6):1027-1034
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"A new paradigm for MAPK: Structural interactions of hERK1 with mitochondria in HeLa cells" (2009) Galli, S.;Jahn, O.;Hitt, R. (...)Jovin, T.M. PLoS ONE. 4(10)
"Fluorescent N-arylaminonaphthalene sulfonate probes for amyloid aggregation of α-synuclein" (2008) Celej, M.S.; Jares-Erijman, E.A.; Jovin, T.M. Biophysical Journal. 94(12):4867-4879
"Multicolor far-field fluorescence nanoscopy through isolated detection of distinct molecular species" (2008) Bossi, M.;Föiling, J.;Belov, V.N. (...)Hell, S.W. Nano Letters. 8(8):2463-2468
"Hoverfly (syrphidae) communities respond to varying structural retention after harvesting in Canadian peatland black spruce forests" (2007) Deans, A.M.;Smith, S.M.;Malcolm, J.R. (...)Bellocq, M.I. Environmental Entomology. 36(2):308-318
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"Genes involved in the balance between neuronal survival and death during inflammation" (2007) Glezer, I.;Chernomoretz, A.;David, S. (...)Rivest, S. PLoS ONE. 2(3)
"Turing patterns inside cells" (2007) Strier, D.E.; Dawson, S.P. PLoS ONE. 2(10)
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"The measurement of erythrocyte uroporphyrinogen i synthase in the diagnosis of latent and acute intermittent porphyria" (1980) Brocklehurst, D.; Wider De Xifra, E.A.; Batlle, A. International Journal of Biochemistry. 12(5-6):791-793