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Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial
"BtaE, an adhesin that belongs to the trimeric autotransporter family, is required for full virulence and defines a specific adhesive pole of Brucella suis" (2013) Ruiz-Ranwez, V.;Posadas, D.M.;Van der Henst, C. (...)Zorreguieta, A. Infection and Immunity. 81(3):996-1007
"Identification and characterization of a high-affinity choline uptake system of Brucella abortus" (2013) Herrmann, C.K.;Bukata, L.;Melli, L. (...)Comerci, D.J. Journal of Bacteriology. 195(3):493-501
"A marr-type regulator directly activates transcription from the Brucella abortus virB promoter by sharing a redundant role with HutC" (2012) Sieira, R.;Arocena, G.M.;Zorreguieta, A. (...)Ugalde, R.A. Journal of Bacteriology. 194(23):6431-6440
"The cin and rai quorum-sensing regulatory systems in Rhizobium leguminosarum are coordinated by ExpR and CinS, a small regulatory protein coexpressed with CinI" (2009) Edwards, A.;Frederix, M.;Wisniewski-Dyé, F. (...)Allan Downie, J. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(9):3059-3067
"Interplay between two RND systems mediating antimicrobial resistance in brucella suis" (2009) Martin, F.A.;Posadas, D.M.;Carrica, M.C. (...)Zorreguieta, A. Journal of Bacteriology. 191(8):2530-2540
"The alternative sigma factor, σS, affects polyhydroxyalkanoate metabolism in Pseudomonas putida" (2008) Raiger-Iustman, L.J.; Ruiz, J.A. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 284(2):218-224
"Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) synthesis by recombinant Escherichia coli arcA mutants in microaerobiosis" (2006) Nikel, P.I.; Pettinari, M.J.; Galvagno, M.A.; Méndez, B.S. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 72(4):2614-2620
"Integration host factor is involved in transcriptional regulation of the Brucella abortus virB operon" (2004) Sieira, R.; Comerci, D.J.; Pietrasanta, L.I.; Ugalde, R.A. Molecular Microbiology. 54(3):808-822