

Expression of lysP, which encodes the lysine-specific transporter LysP in Escherichia coli, is regulated by the concentration of exogenous available lysine. In this study, the LysR-type transcriptional regulator ArgP was identified as the activator of lysP expression. At lysine concentrations higher than 25 μM, lysP expression was shut off and phenocopied an argP deletion mutant. Purified ArgP-His 6 bound to the lysP promoter/control region at a sequence containing a conserved T-N 11-A motif. Its affinity increased in the presence of lysine but not in the presence of the other known coeffector, arginine. In vivo data suggest that lysine-loaded ArgP and arginine-loaded ArgP compete at the lysP promoter. We propose that lysine-loaded ArgP prevents lysP transcription at the promoter clearance step, as described for the lysine-dependent regulation of argO (R. S. Laishram and J. Gowrishankar, Genes Dev. 21:1258-1272, 2007). The global regulator Lrp also bound to the lysP promoter/control region. An lrp mutant exhibited reduced lysP expression in the absence of external lysine. These results indicate that ArgP is a major regulator of lysP expression but that Lrp modulates lysP transcription under lysine-limiting conditions. © 2011, American Society for Microbiology.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Identification of ArgP and Lrp as transcriptional regulators of lysP, the gene encoding the specific lysine permease of Escherichia coli
Autor:Ruiz, J.; Haneburger, I.; Jung, K.
Filiación:Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich Center for integrated Protein Science (CiPSM), Department of Biology I, Microbiology, Grosshaderner Strasse 2-4, 82152 Martinsried, Germany
Departamento de Química Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, IntendenteGuiraldes 2160 (1428), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:arginine; leucine; leucine responsive protein; lysine; lysine permease; permease; unclassified drug; article; bacterial gene; controlled study; Escherichia coli; gene expression; gene sequence; in vivo study; modulation; mutant; nonhuman; priority journal; promoter region; protein motif; transcription regulation; Amino Acid Transport Systems, Basic; DNA, Bacterial; DNA-Binding Proteins; Escherichia coli; Escherichia coli Proteins; Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial; Leucine-Responsive Regulatory Protein; Lysine; Membrane Transport Proteins; Promoter Regions, Genetic; Protein Binding; Transcription, Genetic; Escherichia coli
Página de inicio:2536
Página de fin:2548
Título revista:Journal of Bacteriology
Título revista abreviado:J. Bacteriol.
CAS:arginine, 1119-34-2, 15595-35-4, 7004-12-8, 74-79-3; leucine, 61-90-5, 7005-03-0; lysine, 56-87-1, 6899-06-5, 70-54-2; Amino Acid Transport Systems, Basic; DNA, Bacterial; DNA-Binding Proteins; Escherichia coli Proteins; Leucine-Responsive Regulatory Protein, 138791-20-5; Lrp protein, E coli; Lysine, 56-87-1; Membrane Transport Proteins; iciA protein, E coli, 138861-88-8; lysP protein, E coli


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---------- APA ----------
Ruiz, J., Haneburger, I. & Jung, K. (2011) . Identification of ArgP and Lrp as transcriptional regulators of lysP, the gene encoding the specific lysine permease of Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology, 193(10), 2536-2548.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Ruiz, J., Haneburger, I., Jung, K. "Identification of ArgP and Lrp as transcriptional regulators of lysP, the gene encoding the specific lysine permease of Escherichia coli" . Journal of Bacteriology 193, no. 10 (2011) : 2536-2548.
---------- MLA ----------
Ruiz, J., Haneburger, I., Jung, K. "Identification of ArgP and Lrp as transcriptional regulators of lysP, the gene encoding the specific lysine permease of Escherichia coli" . Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 193, no. 10, 2011, pp. 2536-2548.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Ruiz, J., Haneburger, I., Jung, K. Identification of ArgP and Lrp as transcriptional regulators of lysP, the gene encoding the specific lysine permease of Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 2011;193(10):2536-2548.