Lista de

endemic species
"Microsatellite usefulness is independent of phylogenetic distance in Tyrant flycatchers (Aves: Tyrannidae): A test using two globally threatened species" (2013) Mahler, B.;Schneider, A.R.R.;Di Giacomo, A.S. (...)Tiedemann, R. Genetics and Molecular Research. 12(3):2966-2972
"New data on the endemic Patagonian long-clawed mouse Notiomys edwardsii (Rodentia: Cricetidae)" (2008) Pardiñas, U.F.J.; Udrizar Sauthier, D.E.; Teta, P.; D'Elía, G. Mammalia. 72(4):273-285
"Morphology and biogeography of Apiaceae subfamily Saniculoideae as inferred by phylogenetic analysis of molecular data" (2008) Calviño, C.I.; Martínez, S.G.; Downie, S.R. American Journal of Botany. 95(2):196-214
"Are flightless Galapaganus weevils older than the Galapagos islands they inhabit?" (2000) Sequeira, A.S.;Lanteri, A.A.;Scataglini, M.A. (...)Farrell, B.D. Heredity. 85(1):20-29