

The 15 species in the weevil genus Galapaganus Lanteri 1992 (Entiminae: Curculionidae: Coleoptera) are distributed on coastal Peril and Ecuador and include 10 flightless species endemic to the Galapagos islands. These beetles thus provide a promising system through which to investigate the patterns and processes of evolution on Darwin's archipelago. Sequences of the mtDNA locus encoding cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) were obtained from samples of seven species occurring in different ecological zones of the oldest south-eastern islands: San Cristobal, Espanola and Floreana, and the central island Santa Cruz. The single most parsimonious tree obtained shows two well-supported clades that correspond to the species groups previously defined by morphological characters. Based on a mtDNA clock calibrated for arthropods, the initial speciation separating the oldest species, G. galapagoensis (Linell) on the oldest island, San Cristobal, from the remaining species in the Galapagos occurred about 7.2 Ma. This estimate exceeds geological ages of the extant emerged islands, although it agrees well with molecular dating of endemic Galapagos iguanas, geckos and lizards. An apparent explanation for the disagreement between geological and molecular time-frames is that about 7 Ma there were emerged islands which subsequently disappeared under ocean waters. This hypothesis has gained support from the recent findings of 11 -Myr-old submarine seamounts (sunken islands), south-east of the present location of the archipelago. Some species within the darwini group may have differentiated on the extant islands, 1-5 Ma.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Are flightless Galapaganus weevils older than the Galapagos islands they inhabit?
Autor:Sequeira, A.S.; Lanteri, A.A.; Scataglini, M.A.; Confalonieri, V.A.; Farrell, B.D.
Filiación:Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, United States
Depto. Cientifico de Entomologia, Museo de la Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, (1900) La Plata, Argentina
Depto. de Ciencias Biológicas, Fac. de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Ciudad Universitaria, (1428) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Cytochrome oxidase I; DNA sequences; Island biogeography; Progression rule; Speciation; Taxon cycle; cytochrome oxidase; Ecuador; enzyme subunit; evolution; Galapagos Island; gene locus; genetic distance; geographic distribution; mitochondrial DNA; morphology; beetle; endemic species; evolution; geology; island; Animals; Beetles; DNA, Mitochondrial; Ecuador; Electron Transport Complex IV; Evolution; Evolution, Molecular; Models, Genetic; Phylogeny; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Sequence Analysis, DNA; Time Factors; Ecuador; Arthropoda; Coleoptera; Curculionidae; Entiminae; Galapaganus; Galapaganus galapagoensis; Gekkonidae; Iguania; Squamata
Página de inicio:20
Página de fin:29
Título revista:Heredity
Título revista abreviado:Heredity
CAS:DNA, Mitochondrial; Electron Transport Complex IV, EC


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---------- APA ----------
Sequeira, A.S., Lanteri, A.A., Scataglini, M.A., Confalonieri, V.A. & Farrell, B.D. (2000) . Are flightless Galapaganus weevils older than the Galapagos islands they inhabit?. Heredity, 85(1), 20-29.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Sequeira, A.S., Lanteri, A.A., Scataglini, M.A., Confalonieri, V.A., Farrell, B.D. "Are flightless Galapaganus weevils older than the Galapagos islands they inhabit?" . Heredity 85, no. 1 (2000) : 20-29.
---------- MLA ----------
Sequeira, A.S., Lanteri, A.A., Scataglini, M.A., Confalonieri, V.A., Farrell, B.D. "Are flightless Galapaganus weevils older than the Galapagos islands they inhabit?" . Heredity, vol. 85, no. 1, 2000, pp. 20-29.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Sequeira, A.S., Lanteri, A.A., Scataglini, M.A., Confalonieri, V.A., Farrell, B.D. Are flightless Galapaganus weevils older than the Galapagos islands they inhabit?. Heredity. 2000;85(1):20-29.