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carbohydrate analysis
"UV-MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Heparin Oligosaccharides Obtained by Nitrous Acid Controlled Degradation and High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography" (2010) Bultel, L.;Landoni, M.;Grand, E. (...)Kovensky, J. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 21(1):178-190
"Continuous nonradioactive method for screening trypanosomal transsialidase activity and its inhibitors" (2010) Sartor, P.A.;Agusti, R.;Leguizamón, M.S. (...)de Lederkremer, R.M. Glycobiology. 20(8):982-990
"Direct Profiling of Phytochemicals in Tulip Tissues and In Vivo Monitoring of the Change of Carbohydrate Content in Tulip Bulbs by Probe Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry" (2009) Yu, Z.;Chen, L.C.;Suzuki, H. (...)Hiraoka, K. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 20(12):2304-2311
"Application of Pressure Probe and UV-MALDI-TOF MS for Direct Analysis of Plant Underivatized Carbohydrates in Subpicoliter Single-Cell Cytoplasm Extract" (2008) Gholipour, Y.; Nonami, H.; Erra-Balsells, R. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. 19(12):1841-1848
"Galectin-1: Biphasic growth regulation of Leydig tumor cells" (2006) Biron, V.A.;Iglesias, M.;Troncoso, M.F. (...)Wolfenstein-Todel, C. Glycobiology. 16(9):810-821
"Further evidence on the role of heparan sulfate as protamine acceptor during the decondensation of human spermatozoa" (2005) Romanato, M.;Regueira, E.;Cameo, M.S. (...)Calvo, J.C. Human Reproduction. 20(10):2784-2789
"Lactose derivatives are inhibitors of Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase activity toward conventional substrates in vitro and in vivo" (2004) Agustí, R.;París, G.;Ratier, L. (...)de Lederkremer, R.M. Glycobiology. 14(7):659-670