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brain function
"Attachment Patterns Trigger Differential Neural Signature of Emotional Processing in Adolescents" (2013) Escobar, M.J.;Rivera-Rei, A.;Decety, J. (...)Ibañez, A. PLoS ONE. 8(8)
"Repeated labilization-reconsolidation processes strengthen declarative memory in humans" (2011) Forcato, C.; Rodríguez, M.L.C.; Pedreira, M.E. PLoS ONE. 6(8)
"Brain modularity in arthropods: Individual neurons that support "what" but not "where" memories" (2011) Sztarker, J.; Tomsic, D. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(22):8175-8180
"Calcium imaging in the ant Camponotus fellah reveals a conserved odour-similarity space in insects and mammals" (2010) Dupuy, F.; Josens, R.; Giurfa, M.; Sandoz, J.-C. BMC Neuroscience. 11
"Activation of hippocampal nuclear factor-κB by retrieval is required for memory reconsolidation" (2007) Boccia, M.;Freudenthal, R.;Blake, M. (...)Romano, A. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(49):13436-13445
"Brain States: Top-Down Influences in Sensory Processing" (2007) Gilbert, C.D.; Sigman, M. Neuron. 54(5):677-696