

Initially, memory is labile and requires consolidation to become stable. However, several studies support that consolidated memories can undergo a new period of lability after retrieval. The mechanistic differences of this process, termed reconsolidation, with the consolidation process are under debate, including the participation of hippocampus. Up to this point, few reports describe molecular changes and, in particular, transcription factor (TF) involvement in memory restabilization. Increasing evidence supports the participation of the TF nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in memory consolidation. Here, we demonstrate that the inhibition of NF-κB after memory reactivation impairs retention of a hippocampal-dependent inhibitory avoidance task in mice. We used two independent disruptive strategies to reach this conclusion. First, we administered intracerebroventricular or intrahippocampal sulfasalazine, an inhibitor of IKK (IκB kinase), the kinase that activates NF-κB. Second, we infused intracerebroventricular or intrahippocampal κB decoy, a direct inhibitor of NF-κB consisting of a double-stranded DNA oligonucleotide that contains the κB consensus sequence. When injected immediately after memory retrieval, sulfasalazine or κB decoy (Decoy) impaired long-term retention. In contrast, a one base mutated κB decoy (mDecoy) had no effect. Furthermore, we also found NF-κB activation in the hippocampus, with a peak 15 min after memory retrieval. This activation was earlier than that found during consolidation. Together, these results indicate that NF-κB is an important transcriptional regulator in memory consolidation and reconsolidation in hippocampus, although the temporal kinetics of activation differs between the two processes. Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Activation of hippocampal nuclear factor-κB by retrieval is required for memory reconsolidation
Autor:Boccia, M.; Freudenthal, R.; Blake, M.; De La Fuente, V.; Acosta, G.; Baratti, C.; Romano, A.
Filiación:Laboratorio de Neurofarmacología de Procesos de Memoria, Cátedra de Farmacología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Laboratorio de Neurobiología de la Memoria, Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular Y Celular, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Y Técnicas (CONICET), 1428 EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Investigaciones Farmacológicas-CONICET, 1113 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Laboratorio de Neurobiología de la Memoria, Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular Y Celular, Pabellón II, (C1428EHA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:κB decoy; Hippocampus; Inhibitory avoidance; NF-κB; Reconsolidation; Sulfasalazine; double stranded DNA; immunoglobulin enhancer binding protein; salazosulfapyridine; animal experiment; article; avoidance behavior; brain function; controlled study; hippocampus; information processing; male; memory; memory consolidation; mouse; nonhuman; priority journal; task performance; Animals; Hippocampus; Injections, Intraventricular; Male; Memory; Mice; NF-kappa B; Sulfasalazine
Página de inicio:13436
Página de fin:13445
Título revista:Journal of Neuroscience
Título revista abreviado:J. Neurosci.
CAS:salazosulfapyridine, 599-79-1; NF-kappa B; Sulfasalazine, 599-79-1


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---------- APA ----------
Boccia, M., Freudenthal, R., Blake, M., De La Fuente, V., Acosta, G., Baratti, C. & Romano, A. (2007) . Activation of hippocampal nuclear factor-κB by retrieval is required for memory reconsolidation. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(49), 13436-13445.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Boccia, M., Freudenthal, R., Blake, M., De La Fuente, V., Acosta, G., Baratti, C., et al. "Activation of hippocampal nuclear factor-κB by retrieval is required for memory reconsolidation" . Journal of Neuroscience 27, no. 49 (2007) : 13436-13445.
---------- MLA ----------
Boccia, M., Freudenthal, R., Blake, M., De La Fuente, V., Acosta, G., Baratti, C., et al. "Activation of hippocampal nuclear factor-κB by retrieval is required for memory reconsolidation" . Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 27, no. 49, 2007, pp. 13436-13445.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Boccia, M., Freudenthal, R., Blake, M., De La Fuente, V., Acosta, G., Baratti, C., et al. Activation of hippocampal nuclear factor-κB by retrieval is required for memory reconsolidation. J. Neurosci. 2007;27(49):13436-13445.