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"Ideal evolution of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence when imposing Taylor-Green symmetries" (2013) Brachet, M.E.;Bustamante, M.D.;Krstulovic, G. (...)Rosenberg, D. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87(1)
"Zero-nonzero and real-nonreal sign determination" (2013) Perrucci, D.; Roy, M.-F. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 439(10):3016-3030
"Boruvka meets nearest neighbors" (2013) Tepper, M.; Musé, P.; Almansa, A.; Mejail, M. 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2013. 8259 LNCS(PART 2):560-567
"Temperature Induced Syllable Breaking Unveils Nonlinearly Interacting Timescales in Birdsong Motor Pathway" (2013) Goldin, M.A.;Alonso, L.M.;Alliende, J.A. (...)Mindlin, G.B. PLoS ONE. 8(6)
"BUHO: A MATLAB Script for the Study of Stress Granules and Processing Bodies by High-Throughput Image Analysis" (2012) Perez-Pepe, M.;Slomiansky, V.;Loschi, M. (...)Boccaccio, G.L. PLoS ONE. 7(12)
"Arboricity, h-index, and dynamic algorithms" (2012) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Theoretical Computer Science. 426-427:75-90
"A two-stage model for lipid modulation of the activity of integral membrane proteins" (2012) Dodes Traian, M.M.; Cattoni, D.I.; Levi, V.; González Flecha, F.L. PLoS ONE. 7(6)
"Using adaptive run length smoothing algorithm for accurate text localization in images" (2011) Rais, M.; Goussies, N.A.; Mejail, M. 16th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2011. 7042 LNCS:149-156
"A branch-and-cut algorithm for the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem" (2011) Delle Donne, D.; Marenco, J. Discrete Optimization. 8(4):540-554
"Structure-based analysis of five novel disease-causing mutations in 21-hydroxylase-deficient patients" (2011) Minutolo, C.;Nadra, A.D.;Fernández, C. (...)Dain, L. PLoS ONE. 6(1)
"Powers of cycles, powers of paths, and distance graphs" (2011) Lin, M.C.; Rautenbach, D.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 159(7):621-627
"BRKGA algorithm for the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem" (2011) Martinez, C.; Loiseau, I.; Resende, M.G.C.; Rodriguez, S. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 281:69-83
"Confocal fluorescence anisotropy and FRAP imaging of α-synuclein amyloid aggregates in living cells" (2011) Roberti, M.J.; Jovin, T.M.; Jares-Erijman, E. PLoS ONE. 6(8)
"Linear time analysis of properties of conflict-free and general Petri nets" (2011) Alimonti, P.; Feuerstein, E.; Laura, L.; Nanni, U. Theoretical Computer Science. 412(4-5):320-338
"Enforcing structural invariants using dynamic frames" (2011) Garbervetsky, D.; Gorín, D.; Neisen, A. 17th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2011, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2011. 6605 LNCS:65-80
"Intra-cluster percolation of calcium signals" (2010) Solovey, G.; Dawson, S.P. PLoS ONE. 5(2)
"Observable effects of Ca2+ buffers on local Ca2+ signals" (2010) Solovey, G.; Dawson, S.P. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 368(1933):5597-5603
"Computing isolated roots of sparse polynomial systems in affine space" (2010) Herrero, M.I.; Jeronimo, G.; Sabia, J. Theoretical Computer Science. 411(44-46):3894-3904
"Computing isolated roots of sparse polynomial systems in affine space" (2010) Herrero, M.I.; Jeronimo, G.; Sabia, J. Theoretical Computer Science. 411(44-46):3894-3904
"The clique operator on circular-arc graphs" (2010) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 158(12):1259-1267
"The clique operator on circular-arc graphs" (2010) Lin, M.C.; Soulignac, F.J.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 158(12):1259-1267
"Characterizations and recognition of circular-arc graphs and subclasses: A survey" (2009) Lin, M.C.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Mathematics. 309(18):5618-5635
"Characterizations and recognition of circular-arc graphs and subclasses: A survey" (2009) Lin, M.C.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Mathematics. 309(18):5618-5635
"SAR image segmentation using level sets and region competition under the GH model" (2009) Buemi, M.E.; Goussies, N.; Jacobo, J.; Mejail, M. 14th Iberoamerican Conference on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009. 5856 LNCS:153-160
"A cutting plane algorithm for graph coloring" (2008) Méndez-Díaz, I.; Zabala, P. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 156(2):159-179
"Turing's unpublished algorithm for normal numbers" (2007) Becher, V.; Figueira, S.; Picchi, R. Theoretical Computer Science. 377(1-3):126-138
"Algorithms for clique-independent sets on subclasses of circular-arc graphs" (2006) Durán, G.; Lin, M.C.; Mera, S.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(13 SPEC ISS):1783-1790
"Algorithms for clique-independent sets on subclasses of circular-arc graphs" (2006) Durán, G.; Lin, M.C.; Mera, S.; Szwarcfiter, J.L. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(13 SPEC ISS):1783-1790
"On the complexity of the resolvent representation of some prime differential ideals" (2006) D'Alfonso, L.; Jeronimo, G.; Solernó, P. Journal of Complexity. 22(3):396-430
"A Branch-and-Cut algorithm for graph coloring" (2006) Méndez-Díaz, I.; Zabala, P. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(5 SPEC ISS):826-847
"On Multi-threaded Metrical Task Systems" (2006) Feuerstein, E.; Seiden, S.S.; Strejilevich de Loma, A. Journal of Discrete Algorithms. 4(3):401-413
"Randomness and universal machines" (2006) Figueira, S.; Stephan, F.; Wu, G. Journal of Complexity. 22(6):738-751
"NP-completeness results for edge modification problems" (2006) Burzyn, P.; Bonomo, F.; Durán, G. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(13 SPEC ISS):1824-1844
"On the combinatorial structure of chromatic scheduling polytopes" (2006) Marenco, J.; Wagler, A. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 154(13 SPEC ISS):1865-1876
"Generalized polar varieties: Geometry and algorithms" (2005) Bank, B.; Giusti, M.; Heintz, J.; Pardo, L.M. Festschrift for the 70th Birthday of Arnold Schonhage. 21(4):377-412
"Development and validation of an algorithm for cardiomyocyte beating frequency determination" (2005) Wassermann, D.; Mejail, M. 10th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2005. 3773 LNCS:420-430
"Theoretical study of the adsorption of H on Si n clusters, (n=3-10)" (2005) Tiznado, W.;Ona, O.B.;Bazterra, V.E. (...)Fuentealba, P. Journal of Chemical Physics. 123(21)
"On-the-fly workload prediction and redistribution in the distributed timed model checker zeus" (2005) Braberman, V.; Olivero, A.; Schapachnik, F. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Parallel Distributed Methods in Verification (PDMC 2004). 128(3):3-18
"Energy decompositions according to physical space partitioning schemes" (2005) Alcoba, D.R.; Torre, A.; Lain, L.; Bochicchio, R.C. Journal of Chemical Physics. 122(7)
"Numeric vs. symbolic homotopy algorithms in polynomial system solving: A case study" (2005) De Leo, M.; Dratman, E.; Matera, G. Festschrift for the 70th Birthday of Arnold Schonhage. 21(4):502-531
"Construction of nonseparable multiwavelets for nonlinear image compression" (2002) Ruedin, A.M.C. Eurasip Journal on Applied Signal Processing. 2002(1):73-79
"An example of a computable absolutely normal number" (2002) Becher, V.; Figueira, S. Theoretical Computer Science. 270(1-2):947-958
"Solvation dynamics following electron photodetachment from l- in aqueous clusters" (2002) Elola, M.D.; Laria, D. Journal of Chemical Physics. 117(5):2238-2245
"On improving backwards verification of timed automata (extended abstract)" (2002) Braberman, V.; López Pombo, C.; Olivero, A. Theory and Practice of Timed Systems (Satellite Event of ETAPS 2002). 65(6):60-67