
Giunta, P.; Bergamini, M.; Moreno, M.; Mariño, F.; Laborde, M.; Amadeo, N. "Multiplicity of steady state in an isothermal catalyst Pellet" (2009) 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the 24th Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering
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CO preferential oxidation (COPROX) reaction was studied using Cu/CeO2 catalyst with sizes in the order of microns. Conversion increased when increasing catalyst size, thus suggesting that the effectiveness factor also increased. The rise of the effectiveness factor suggests the possible existence of multiplicity of steady states inside the catalyst pellet. Simulations showed that, although pellets behaved isothermally, multiplicity is possible if the kinetics is non monotonous with respect to the reactants composition. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (Montreal, Quebec, Canada 8/23-27/2009).


Documento: Conferencia
Título:Multiplicity of steady state in an isothermal catalyst Pellet
Autor:Giunta, P.; Bergamini, M.; Moreno, M.; Mariño, F.; Laborde, M.; Amadeo, N.
Ciudad:Montreal, QC
Filiación:Laboratorio de Procesos Cataliticos, School of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, Pabellôn de Industrias, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, CP 1428, Argentina
Título revista:8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the 24th Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering
Título revista abreviado:8th World Congr. Chem. Eng.: Incorporating Can. Chem. Eng. Conf. Interam. Congr. Chem. Eng.


---------- APA ----------
Giunta, P., Bergamini, M., Moreno, M., Mariño, F., Laborde, M. & Amadeo, N. (2009) . Multiplicity of steady state in an isothermal catalyst Pellet. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the 24th Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Giunta, P., Bergamini, M., Moreno, M., Mariño, F., Laborde, M., Amadeo, N. "Multiplicity of steady state in an isothermal catalyst Pellet" . 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the 24th Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering (2009).
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---------- MLA ----------
Giunta, P., Bergamini, M., Moreno, M., Mariño, F., Laborde, M., Amadeo, N. "Multiplicity of steady state in an isothermal catalyst Pellet" . 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering: Incorporating the 59th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference and the 24th Interamerican Congress of Chemical Engineering, 2009.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Giunta, P., Bergamini, M., Moreno, M., Mariño, F., Laborde, M., Amadeo, N. Multiplicity of steady state in an isothermal catalyst Pellet. 8th World Congr. Chem. Eng.: Incorporating Can. Chem. Eng. Conf. Interam. Congr. Chem. Eng. 2009.
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