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Theodoropoulou, M.; Labeur, M.; Paez Pereda, M.; Haedo, M.; Perone, M.J.; Renner, U.; Arzt, E.; Stalla, G.K. "Novel medical therapies for pituitary tumors" (2010) Pituitary Today II: New Molecular, Physiological and Clinical Aspects. 38:158-164
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Despite considerable progress, there is still no medical treatment available for some kinds of pituitary tumors, in particular hormone inactive adenomas and corticotroph pituitary tumors. Surgical removal or at least debulking of the tumor is the only option to treat these kinds of tumors apart from rarely applied radiotherapy. Moreover, treatment resistance is present in a considerable proportion of patients bearing pituitary tumors, for which medical treatment regimens are already available (prolactinomas, somatotroph adenomas). Thus, novel or improved medical treatment strategies would be desirable. Here, we summarize preclinical and clinical findings about the hormoneand growth-suppressive action of various drugs, which will probably lead to novel future medical treatment concepts for pituitary tumors. © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel.


Documento: Parte de libro
Título:Novel medical therapies for pituitary tumors
Autor:Theodoropoulou, M.; Labeur, M.; Paez Pereda, M.; Haedo, M.; Perone, M.J.; Renner, U.; Arzt, E.; Stalla, G.K.
Filiación:Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Neuroendocrinology, Kraepelinstrasse 10, Munich, DE-80804, Germany
Affectis Pharmaceuticals, Munich, Germany
Laboratorio de Fisiología y Biología Molecular, Departamento de Fisiología y Biología Molecular y Celular, Universidad de Buenos Aires and IFIBYNE-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:158
Página de fin:164
Título revista:Pituitary Today II: New Molecular, Physiological and Clinical Aspects
Título revista abreviado:Pituit. Today II: New Mol., Physiol. and Clin. Asp.


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---------- APA ----------
Theodoropoulou, M., Labeur, M., Paez Pereda, M., Haedo, M., Perone, M.J., Renner, U., Arzt, E.,..., Stalla, G.K. (2010) . Novel medical therapies for pituitary tumors. Pituitary Today II: New Molecular, Physiological and Clinical Aspects, 38, 158-164.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Theodoropoulou, M., Labeur, M., Paez Pereda, M., Haedo, M., Perone, M.J., Renner, U., et al. "Novel medical therapies for pituitary tumors" . Pituitary Today II: New Molecular, Physiological and Clinical Aspects 38 (2010) : 158-164.
---------- MLA ----------
Theodoropoulou, M., Labeur, M., Paez Pereda, M., Haedo, M., Perone, M.J., Renner, U., et al. "Novel medical therapies for pituitary tumors" . Pituitary Today II: New Molecular, Physiological and Clinical Aspects, vol. 38, 2010, pp. 158-164.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Theodoropoulou, M., Labeur, M., Paez Pereda, M., Haedo, M., Perone, M.J., Renner, U., et al. Novel medical therapies for pituitary tumors. Pituit. Today II: New Mol., Physiol. and Clin. Asp. 2010;38:158-164.