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Incorporating block copolymers into epoxy systems has emerged as a versatile and effective methodology not only to enhance their mechanical properties, but also as an intriguing strategy to design advanced materials with tailored properties. Knowledge of microphase separation mechanisms operating during the development of these materials is essential due to the straight relationship between block copolymer characteristics, epoxy system formulation, and curing conditions with the final nanodomain morphology. This chapter is focused on the thermodynamic and kinetic fundamentals describing microphase separation mechanisms by which the nanodomains are obtained. Moreover, key parameters affecting phase separation mechanisms and morphologies are discussed, explaining how different material properties can be tuned by controlling the nanostructure morphology. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017. All rights reserved.


Documento: Parte de libro
Título:Miscibility, phase separation, and mechanism of phase separation of epoxy/block-copolymer blends
Autor:Garate, H.; Morales, N.J.; Goyanes, S.; D'Accorso, N.B.
Filiación:YPF Tecnologia S.A., Ensenada, Buenos Aires, Argentina
IFIBA-CONICET, LP and MC, Departamento de Fisica, FCEyN-UBA, Ciudad Universitaria, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
CIHIDECAR-CONICET, Departamento de Química Orgánica, FCEyN-UBA, Ciudad Universitaria, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Block copolymers; Epoxy system; Miscibility; Polymerization-induced microphase separation; Self-assembly
Página de inicio:841
Página de fin:881
Título revista:Handbook of Epoxy Blends
Título revista abreviado:Handb. of Epoxy Blends


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---------- APA ----------
Garate, H., Morales, N.J., Goyanes, S. & D'Accorso, N.B. (2017) . Miscibility, phase separation, and mechanism of phase separation of epoxy/block-copolymer blends. Handbook of Epoxy Blends, 841-881.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Garate, H., Morales, N.J., Goyanes, S., D'Accorso, N.B. "Miscibility, phase separation, and mechanism of phase separation of epoxy/block-copolymer blends" . Handbook of Epoxy Blends (2017) : 841-881.
---------- MLA ----------
Garate, H., Morales, N.J., Goyanes, S., D'Accorso, N.B. "Miscibility, phase separation, and mechanism of phase separation of epoxy/block-copolymer blends" . Handbook of Epoxy Blends, 2017, pp. 841-881.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Garate, H., Morales, N.J., Goyanes, S., D'Accorso, N.B. Miscibility, phase separation, and mechanism of phase separation of epoxy/block-copolymer blends. Handb. of Epoxy Blends. 2017:841-881.