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In this chapter, we argue that both the problem of quantum indistinguishability in the philosophy of physics and the problem of identity in structures in the philosophy of mathematics are identical in a certain relevant sense; i.e., that they are two instances of the same general problem. This favors the idea that certain ontological questions are common to different domains, in spite of the specificity of each domain; hence, the solutions proposed in one of the domains may be extrapolated and adapted to the others. © 2012 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


Documento: Parte de libro
Título:Different domains, the same problems
Autor:Narvaja, M.; Córdoba, M.; Lombardi, O.
Filiación:CONICET-FFyL, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
CONICET-FCEyN and FFyL, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:67
Página de fin:87
Título revista:Philosophy of Science
Título revista abreviado:Philos. of Sci.


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---------- APA ----------
Narvaja, M., Córdoba, M. & Lombardi, O. (2012) . Different domains, the same problems. Philosophy of Science, 67-87.
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Narvaja, M., Córdoba, M., Lombardi, O. "Different domains, the same problems" . Philosophy of Science (2012) : 67-87.
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Narvaja, M., Córdoba, M., Lombardi, O. "Different domains, the same problems" . Philosophy of Science, 2012, pp. 67-87.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Narvaja, M., Córdoba, M., Lombardi, O. Different domains, the same problems. Philos. of Sci. 2012:67-87.
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