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Host location in parasitoids has been determined as one of the most important steps for a successful parasitism and has been studied exhaustively. Although much is known in parasitoids where oviposition occurs directly onto the host, many less studies have been conducted regarding parasitoids with oviposition away from the host. In many case studies, the female must choose the appropriate host to place its eggs and the kairomones are the chemicals involved in this process. However, there are some species where the location of the host happens in two phases, one performed by the female and another by the larva. Within the Asilidae (Diptera), that are commonly known as robber flies because of their predacious feeding habits, there are some examples of this kind of parasitoids. Mallophora ruficauda belongs to this group and is the most important pest of apiculture in the Pampas region of Argentina. Adults prey on honeybees and other insects, while larvae parasitize larvae of Scarabaeidae beetles, which live underground. Host location in this parasitoid involves the female and the first two larval instars. Females are able to locate the host habitat at a large spatial scale and place its egg-clusters on tall grasses in grasslands. This behaviour aids in the wind dispersion of the recently born larvae that fall to the ground and bury themselves. Once underground, larvae moult to the second instar and initiate an active host searching behaviour. In order to find a healthy host, the parasitoid larva detects odours released from the posterior intestine of the scarab beetle larva. The remarkable characteristic of this parasitoid is that the larvae can discriminate the level of parasitism of the host. In this chapter we review the studies performed on this particular dipteran parasitoid and describe the mechanisms by which host location and host acceptance occur. © 2011 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.


Documento: Parte de libro
Título:Host location in parasitoids with active searching larvae: The case of Mallophora ruficauda
Autor:Castelo, M.K.; Crespo, J.E.
Filiación:CONICET - Grupo de Investigación en Ecofisiología de Parasitoides (GIEP), Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:185
Página de fin:205
Título revista:The Biology of Odors: Sources, Olfaction and Response
Título revista abreviado:The Biol. of Odors: Sources, Olfaction and Response


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---------- APA ----------
Castelo, M.K. & Crespo, J.E. (2011) . Host location in parasitoids with active searching larvae: The case of Mallophora ruficauda. The Biology of Odors: Sources, Olfaction and Response, 185-205.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Castelo, M.K., Crespo, J.E. "Host location in parasitoids with active searching larvae: The case of Mallophora ruficauda" . The Biology of Odors: Sources, Olfaction and Response (2011) : 185-205.
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---------- MLA ----------
Castelo, M.K., Crespo, J.E. "Host location in parasitoids with active searching larvae: The case of Mallophora ruficauda" . The Biology of Odors: Sources, Olfaction and Response, 2011, pp. 185-205.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Castelo, M.K., Crespo, J.E. Host location in parasitoids with active searching larvae: The case of Mallophora ruficauda. The Biol. of Odors: Sources, Olfaction and Response. 2011:185-205.
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