
Ciolek, D.; Braberman, V.; D'Ippolito, N.; Uchitel, S. "Directed Controller Synthesis of discrete event systems: Taming composition with heuristics" (2016) 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016:4764-4769
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This paper presents a Directed Controller Synthesis (DCS) technique for discrete event systems. This DCS method explores the solution space for reactive controllers guided by a domain-independent heuristic. The heuristic is derived from an efficient abstraction of the environment based on the componentized way in which complex environments are described. Then by building the composition of the components on-the-fly DCS obtains a solution by exploring a reduced portion of the state space. This work focuses on untimed discrete event systems with safety and co-safety (i.e. reachability) goals. An evaluation for the technique is presented comparing it to other well-known approaches to controller synthesis (based on symbolic representation and compositional analyses). © 2016 IEEE.


Documento: Conferencia
Título:Directed Controller Synthesis of discrete event systems: Taming composition with heuristics
Autor:Ciolek, D.; Braberman, V.; D'Ippolito, N.; Uchitel, S.
Filiación:Departamento de Computación, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
CONICET, United Kingdom
Página de inicio:4764
Página de fin:4769
Título revista:55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016
Título revista abreviado:IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, CDC 2016


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---------- APA ----------
Ciolek, D., Braberman, V., D'Ippolito, N. & Uchitel, S. (2016) . Directed Controller Synthesis of discrete event systems: Taming composition with heuristics. 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016, 4764-4769.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Ciolek, D., Braberman, V., D'Ippolito, N., Uchitel, S. "Directed Controller Synthesis of discrete event systems: Taming composition with heuristics" . 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016 (2016) : 4764-4769.
---------- MLA ----------
Ciolek, D., Braberman, V., D'Ippolito, N., Uchitel, S. "Directed Controller Synthesis of discrete event systems: Taming composition with heuristics" . 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2016, 2016, pp. 4764-4769.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Ciolek, D., Braberman, V., D'Ippolito, N., Uchitel, S. Directed Controller Synthesis of discrete event systems: Taming composition with heuristics. IEEE Conf. Decis. Control, CDC 2016. 2016:4764-4769.