
Nicora, M.G.; Quel, E.J.; Bali, J.L.; Acquesta, A.; Vidal, L.; Burgesser, R.E.; Avila, E.E.; Salio, P.; De Schwarzkopf, M.L.A. "GeoRayos a new aplication for severe weather warning" (2015) 13th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA 2015:165-168
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This work presents a lightning jump algorithm (LJA): 'GeoRayos' to detect severe weather; it is based on the algorithm presented by Schultz et al. (2011) [1]. The lightning data used in this study came from the World Wide Lightning Location Network which is a real-time, world-wide and ground network. In this study, the lightning activity occurred during spring and summer of 2013 on the region [20-50]S of latitude and [50'70]W of longitude was examined. The LJA was validated by using information of severe weather occurrence in the report 'Estudio de los Tornados en la Rep. Argentina' this unpublished report (M. L. Altinger de Schwarzkopf, personal communication) provides severe phenomena occurred since 1930 to the present, also we used information from the National Weather Service in Argentina, local argentinean media, and radar data. The spatial and time distributions of lightning jumps were analyzed by using different spatial and temporal scales. © 2015 IEEE.


Documento: Conferencia
Título:GeoRayos a new aplication for severe weather warning
Autor:Nicora, M.G.; Quel, E.J.; Bali, J.L.; Acquesta, A.; Vidal, L.; Burgesser, R.E.; Avila, E.E.; Salio, P.; De Schwarzkopf, M.L.A.
Filiación:CEILAP - UMI-IFAECI-CNRS 3351, UNIDEF (MINDEF - CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departamento de CRISIS, CITEDEF, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Servicio Meteorológico Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina
FAMAF, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, IFEG-CONICET, Argentina
CIMA-DCAO-UMI IFAECI CNRS 3351, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Córdoba, Argentina
Palabras clave:lightning; nowcasting; warning; WWLLN; Algorithms; Lightning protection; Lightning activity; Lightning location; National Weather Services; Nowcasting; Spatial and temporal scale; Time distribution; warning; WWLLN; Lightning
Página de inicio:165
Página de fin:168
Título revista:13th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA 2015
Título revista abreviado:Int. Symp. Light. Prot., SIPDA


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---------- APA ----------
Nicora, M.G., Quel, E.J., Bali, J.L., Acquesta, A., Vidal, L., Burgesser, R.E., Avila, E.E.,..., De Schwarzkopf, M.L.A. (2015) . GeoRayos a new aplication for severe weather warning. 13th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA 2015, 165-168.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Nicora, M.G., Quel, E.J., Bali, J.L., Acquesta, A., Vidal, L., Burgesser, R.E., et al. "GeoRayos a new aplication for severe weather warning" . 13th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA 2015 (2015) : 165-168.
---------- MLA ----------
Nicora, M.G., Quel, E.J., Bali, J.L., Acquesta, A., Vidal, L., Burgesser, R.E., et al. "GeoRayos a new aplication for severe weather warning" . 13th International Symposium on Lightning Protection, SIPDA 2015, 2015, pp. 165-168.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Nicora, M.G., Quel, E.J., Bali, J.L., Acquesta, A., Vidal, L., Burgesser, R.E., et al. GeoRayos a new aplication for severe weather warning. Int. Symp. Light. Prot., SIPDA. 2015:165-168.