
Feuerstein, E.; Heiber, P.A.; Mydlarz, M. "Truthful Stochastic and deterministic auctions for sponsored search" (2008) Proceedings of the Latin American Web Conference, LA-WEB 2008:39-48
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Incentive compatibility is a central concept in auction theory, and a desirable property of auction mechanisms. In a celebrated result, Aggarwal, Goel and Motwani [2] presented the first truthful deterministic auction for sponsored search (i.e., in a setting where multiple distinct slots are auctioned). Stochastic auctions present several advantages over deterministic ones, as they are less prone to strategic bidding, and increase the diversity of the winning bidders. Meek, Chickering and Wilson [10] presented a family of truthful stochastic auctions for multiple identical items. We present the first class of incentive compatible stochastic auctions for the sponsored search setting. This class subsumes as special cases the laddered auctions of [2] and the stochastic auctions with the condex pricing rule of [10], consolidating these two seemingly disconnected mechanisms in a single framework. Moreover, when the price per click depends deterministically on the bids the auctions in this class are unique. Accordingly, we give a precise characterization of all truthful auctions for sponsored search, in terms of the expected price that each bidder will pay per click. We also introduce randomized algorithms and pricing rules to derive, given an allocation mechanism for the single- or multiple-identical-slots scenarios, a new mechanism for the multislot framework with distinct slots. These extensions have direct practical applications. © 2008 IEEE.


Documento: Conferencia
Título:Truthful Stochastic and deterministic auctions for sponsored search
Autor:Feuerstein, E.; Heiber, P.A.; Mydlarz, M.
Ciudad:Vila Velha, Espirito Santo
Filiación:Depto. de Computatión, FCEyN, Univ. de Buenos, Aires, Argentina
Yahoo Research, Santiago, Chile
Idioma: Inglés
Palabras clave:Costs; Random processes; Allocation mechanisms; Auction mechanisms; Auction theories; Incentive compatibilities; Incentive compatible; New mechanisms; Pricing rules; Randomized algorithms; Strategic biddings; Commerce
Número de artículo:4756160
Página de inicio:39
Página de fin:48
Título revista:Proceedings of the Latin American Web Conference, LA-WEB 2008
Título revista abreviado:Proc. Latin Am. Web Conf., LA-WEB


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---------- APA ----------
Feuerstein, E., Heiber, P.A. & Mydlarz, M. (2008) . Truthful Stochastic and deterministic auctions for sponsored search. Proceedings of the Latin American Web Conference, LA-WEB 2008, 39-48.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Feuerstein, E., Heiber, P.A., Mydlarz, M. "Truthful Stochastic and deterministic auctions for sponsored search" . Proceedings of the Latin American Web Conference, LA-WEB 2008 (2008) : 39-48.
---------- MLA ----------
Feuerstein, E., Heiber, P.A., Mydlarz, M. "Truthful Stochastic and deterministic auctions for sponsored search" . Proceedings of the Latin American Web Conference, LA-WEB 2008, 2008, pp. 39-48.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Feuerstein, E., Heiber, P.A., Mydlarz, M. Truthful Stochastic and deterministic auctions for sponsored search. Proc. Latin Am. Web Conf., LA-WEB. 2008:39-48.