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Kezunovic, N.; Hyde, J.; Urbano, F.J.; Garcia-Rill, E. "Gamma Band Activity" (2015) Waking and the Reticular Activating System in Health and Disease:171-207
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Gamma band activity in the cortical EEG reflects the recurrent membrane oscillations of large assemblies of neurons. The cellular mechanisms for the generation of gamma band oscillations in RAS neurons are the same as those found to -generate gamma band oscillations in the cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, and -cerebellum. Gamma band activity across cortical and subcortical regions is -coherent. The maintenance of gamma band activity in the RAS is dependent on G proteins, and gamma band activity during waking appears to use different intracellular pathways compared to gamma band activity expressed during REM sleep. These results suggest that pharmacological interventions can modulate the two high-frequency states differentially. © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Documento: Parte de libro
Título:Gamma Band Activity
Autor:Kezunovic, N.; Hyde, J.; Urbano, F.J.; Garcia-Rill, E.
Filiación:Department of Neuroscience, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States
Institute for Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Laboratorio Fisiologia y Biologia Molecular, Facultad Ciencias Exactas, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Department of Neurobiology and Developmental Sciences, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, United States
Palabras clave:N-type calcium channels; P/Q-type calcium channels; Sodium-dependent subthreshold oscillations
Página de inicio:171
Página de fin:207
Título revista:Waking and the Reticular Activating System in Health and Disease
Título revista abreviado:Waking and the Reticular Act. Syst. in Health and Dis.


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---------- APA ----------
Kezunovic, N., Hyde, J., Urbano, F.J. & Garcia-Rill, E. (2015) . Gamma Band Activity. Waking and the Reticular Activating System in Health and Disease, 171-207.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Kezunovic, N., Hyde, J., Urbano, F.J., Garcia-Rill, E. "Gamma Band Activity" . Waking and the Reticular Activating System in Health and Disease (2015) : 171-207.
---------- MLA ----------
Kezunovic, N., Hyde, J., Urbano, F.J., Garcia-Rill, E. "Gamma Band Activity" . Waking and the Reticular Activating System in Health and Disease, 2015, pp. 171-207.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Kezunovic, N., Hyde, J., Urbano, F.J., Garcia-Rill, E. Gamma Band Activity. Waking and the Reticular Act. Syst. in Health and Dis. 2015:171-207.