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Pioneering work showed that serotonin (5-HT) neurons have the unique capacity to engage in different and opposed aspects of motivated behaviors such as reward and punishment responses. These findings provided strong evidence about the functional heterogeneity of 5-HT neurons, and their possible engagement in multiple and behaviorally distinct neural subsystems. A recent study provides further compelling evidence supporting this notion, in which two ascending 5-HT circuits modulate opposed aspects of motivated behaviors. © 2018 American Chemical Society.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Serotonin Subsystems Modulate Diverse and Opposite Behavioral Functions
Autor:Garcia-Garcia, A.L.; Soiza-Reilly, M.
Filiación:Department of Psychiatry, Division of Systems Neuroscience, Columbia University, New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Dr. Box 87, New York, NY 10032, United States
Instituto de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Neurociencias (IFIBYNE), CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:5-HT; Amygdala; Chemogenetics; Frontal Cortex; Optogenetics; Punishment; Reward
Título revista:ACS Chemical Neuroscience
Título revista abreviado:ACS Chem. Neurosci.


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  • Garcia-Garcia, A.L., Canetta, S., Stujenske, J.M., Burghardt, N.S., Ansorge, M.S., Dranovsky, A., Leonardo, E.D., Serotonin inputs to the dorsal BNST modulate anxiety in a 5-HT1A receptor-dependent manner (2017) Mol. Psychiatry
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---------- APA ----------
Garcia-Garcia, A.L. & Soiza-Reilly, M. (2018) . Serotonin Subsystems Modulate Diverse and Opposite Behavioral Functions. ACS Chemical Neuroscience.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Garcia-Garcia, A.L., Soiza-Reilly, M. "Serotonin Subsystems Modulate Diverse and Opposite Behavioral Functions" . ACS Chemical Neuroscience (2018).
---------- MLA ----------
Garcia-Garcia, A.L., Soiza-Reilly, M. "Serotonin Subsystems Modulate Diverse and Opposite Behavioral Functions" . ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2018.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Garcia-Garcia, A.L., Soiza-Reilly, M. Serotonin Subsystems Modulate Diverse and Opposite Behavioral Functions. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2018.